

单词 bruising
释义 bruis·ing 英'bruːzɪŋ美'bruzɪŋ ★☆☆☆☆高COCA²⁷⁵⁷⁸BNC²⁴⁵³²iWeb¹⁷⁷⁸¹Economist¹²⁰⁰⁶
causing mental or emotional injury;

a bruising experience

protected from the bruising facts of battle

brutally forceful and compelling;

protected from the bruising facts of battle

bruise瘀青painful bruising syndrome疼痛性青肿综合征…bruising mill捣碎机,破碎机,碾碎…

用作形容词But it can bebruisingas well.但同时也会带来伤痛。as in.burly
同义词 able-bodied,athletic,beefy,brawny,bulky,hulking,muscular,portly,stocky,stout,strapping,sturdybeefcake,big,gorillalike,hefty,hulky,powerful,strong,thickset,well-built
反义词 delicate,frail,infirm,skinny,slight,small,thin,tiny,underweight,weaklight,slimas in.muscular
同义词 athletic,brawny,burly,powerful,robust,sinewy,stout,strapping,sturdy,vigorous,wiryable-bodied,fibrous,hefty,herculean,hulky,husky,lusty,mighty,muscled,powerhouse,pumped-up,ripped,ropy,stalwart,stringy,strong,tiger,tough,well-built
反义词 impotent,skinny,slight,small,thin,weakdelicate,flabby,infirm
burlyadjective husky
muscularadjective powerfully built
able-bodied,athletic,brawny,bruising,burly,fibrous,hefty,herculean,hulky,husky,lusty,mighty,muscled,powerful,powerhouse,pumped-up,ripped,robust,ropy,sinewy,stalwart,stout,strapping,stringy,strong,sturdy,tiger,tough,vigorous,well-built,wiry IF ITS bruising battles over financial reform, health care and stimulus have taught Barack Obama anything, it’s that sending policy proposals to Congress can be a crapshoot.
巴拉克•奥巴马从金融改革、医疗保障改革和经济刺激的一系列殊死战斗中学到了向国会递交政策革新提案就是赌博。 ecocn

The reluctance to accept Iraq's terms also suggests renewed self-confidence on the part of big oil firms despite bruising encounters with resource- rich governments in the recent past.
不愿接受伊拉克的条件还暗示尽管在最近的过去硬伤碰上了资源丰富的政府,部份大型石油公司重塑自信心。 ecocn

But on closer examination, there may be subtle clues pointing to hidden injuries, such as bruising, retinal haemorrhages or fractures of the ribs or other bones.
但经更仔细检查,可能会发现一些细微的线索表明有隐藏的损伤,如青肿、视网膜出血或者肋骨或其它骨头骨折等。 who

Drought, bruising and other stresses could stimulate the accumulation of beneficial phenolic compounds in fresh produce, study has showed.
已有研究证明,干旱、碰压伤等损害,反而能促使新鲜农产品中有益酚类化合物的积聚。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

' I'm seeing the ex-husband on Saturday, so we don't want bruising,' she teases Brandt, smiling through the anaesthetic.
“我要在星期六去看我的前夫,所以我们不希望有瘀肿,”她在麻醉期间笑着向布兰德打趣说。 yeeyan

If someone has severe pain in the penis, especially associated with bruising, swelling and loss of erection, he should seek emergency care.
如果有人感到极度疼痛在阴茎里,尤其是伴随青紫、肿胀及无法勃起,他就应该去急救中心。 yeeyan

In 1968, with America stuck in another bruising war, few liberals saw Richard Nixon's southern strategy as part of a long-term turn to the right.
1968年,美国困顿于另一场惨烈的战争时,少数的自由主义者认为理查德•尼克松的南方战略属于向右偏转的长期进程中的一部分。 ecocn

In India, Nokia is in a bruising fight.
在印度,诺基亚也在进行着殊死战斗。 yeeyan

It could just be bruising, or a twisted ligament.
可能仅仅是擦伤,或者是韧带扭伤。 yeeyan

It is the Vietnamese who are gloomy, and fears of hyperinflation run deep after some bruising encounters in the past.
然而越南人却非常沮丧,担心极度通货膨胀会在过去的一系列经济挫伤之后变得更加严重。 ecocn

It's hard to imagine something worse than a bruising political battle that threatens to shut down the government or throw it into default.
很难想象还有什么比两党间恶性的政治斗争从而威胁关掉政府或国家违约破产更糟糕的了。 ecocn

News of the formal EU antitrust enquiry will no doubt invite further comparisons with Mr Ballmer’s firm, which fought a long and bruising battle with European regulators.
欧盟就反垄断正式质询谷歌的消息,无疑会导致人们进一步将其与微软对比, Ballmer先生的公司就曾与欧洲监管者展开过一场旷日持久的殊死斗争。 ecocn

People with seizures tend to have more physical problems such as fractures and bruising, higher rates of other diseases or psychosocial issues.
癫痫发作患者往往有更多的身体问题比如骨折及擦伤,患其它疾病的比例更高或者有心理问题。 who

Rumsfeld was famous for intimidating people and bruising egos; Gates never interrupts.
拉姆斯菲尔德因恐吓人民和挫伤自我而著名;盖茨从未被打断。 yeeyan

The croc, which lost a few teeth and suffered bruising, is receiving medical attention.
据悉,受伤鳄鱼长1.6米,被车撞掉了几颗牙,还受了些擦伤,正在接受医治。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

There were many factors, including a long, bruising fight among eight candidates for the Democratic nomination.
因素有很多,包括与八名民主党提名的候选人长期、艰苦的斗争。 yeeyan

This can cause excessive bleeding or increased chance of bruising.
这会引发过量的流血或增大瘀伤的几率。 yeeyan

Whether the Democrats can unite as a party during this week's national convention after a bruising primary season remains to be seen.
民主党在经历了伤痕累累的初选季节后,能否在这个星期举行的全国大会上全党团结一致,还有待观察。 ebigear

You get bruising and swelling.
你就会变得青紫和肿胀。 yeeyan




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