

单词 3000
释义 3000BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
Conflict followed conflict, with those from the Delta eventually being conquered by the people from the south and, just before3000 BC, Egypt was united.
年复一年,连绵不断的冲突,最终三角洲一带的部落被业自南方的人所征服了,于是古埃及大概于公元前3000年左右统一起来。 yeeyan

About3000 BC, the inhabitant of the island has entered the Bronze Ware Period.
约在公元前3000年,克里特岛上的居民已经进入青铜器时代。 yeeyan

Above3000 metres there are substantial hits on performance.
在3000米处就会对体能表现有实质打击。 yeeyan

Before committing the transaction it must check for conflict and finds that the value is now3000, which is different from the initial value read.
在提交事务事前,它必须检查冲突并发现现在的值变成了3000,这和最初读的值不同。 ibm

By the year3000, cars will always have to stop for stop signs.
到了3000年,在停车标志面前,汽车不停也得停。 hjenglish

From almost3000 entries, we have selected the best and categorised them.
从近3000幅照片中,我们选择了最优秀的,并加以分类。 yeeyan

I think the Egyptians have been trying to tell us in pictures for3000 years that this is how they built the pyramids.
我觉得在过去的3000多年当中,古埃及人试图让我们由这些塔顶构成的画面想象出他们是如何修建金字塔的。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

In first quarter of2011, the remaining3000 head office machines were converted.
公司总部剩余的3000台电脑在2011年第一季度也换成了该系统。 yeeyan

In the largest study of its kind, Bawa and his graduate student Pashupati Chaudhary interviewed250 households in18 Himalayan villages that are between2000 and3000 meters above sea level.
在最大规模的区域气候变化研究中,巴瓦和他所带的研究生帕素帕提·乔德哈瑞走访了喜马拉雅山海拔2000至3000米处得18所村庄的共计250名住户。 yeeyan

It is the oldest mountain observatory in3000 meters in the whole world, and it collected data since1886.
这是全世界最古老的高山气象站,位于海拔3000米的高山上,从1886年开始收集数据。 kekenet

Local residents expressed outrage over the beefed up security, with some3000 CIA agents standing by and Cairo's main roads shut down.
开罗城市主要交通被封锁,3000中情局特工沿路护航,当地民众对如此高的安全戒备表示愤慨。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Named by Queen Victoria in honour of her late husband, the V&A now houses3000 years worth of art and design from all over the world.
维多利亚女王为了纪念她已故的丈夫而命名,维艾博物馆现在拥有来自世界各地设计的3000多年的艺术和设计品。 yeeyan

Right before she got to3000 feet, the propeller stopped, and she twirled to the ground.
就在她到达3000英尺前,螺旋桨不转了,她急速落向地面。 yeeyan

Segments of the bridge, which is actually a series of bridges, called for the use of a3000- ton floating crane.
该桥的部分段其实是一座座独立的桥建设时甚至用上了一辆重3000吨的水上浮吊式起重机。 yeeyan

So I want you to picture a community of2000 people living on a landfill with3000 tons of urban garbage every day.

Some parts of this particular specimen are thought to be more than3000 years old, though we don't know enough about the plant to estimate its lifespan.
据信,图中这种特别的植物有一部分已经超过3000年了。不过对这种植物的了解还不足以确定其准确的年龄。 yeeyan

Start the client application on port3000.
在3000端口上启动客户机应用程序。 ibm

The 1906 earthquake killed over3000 people, but estimates say the fire was responsible for 90% of the damage, not the actual quake.
1906年大地震导致超过3000人死亡,但据估计90%的伤亡是火灾造成的,而不是地震本身。 yeeyan

The company had a deficit of$3000.

The Dutch speed skater was only19 in2006 when she won a gold medal in the3000- meter race at the Turin Olympics.
这位荷兰速滑运动员在2006都灵冬奥会中获得了3000米比赛的金牌,那年她年仅19岁。 yeeyan

The glacier is moving to the ocean at3000 feet per year and has regularly calved icebergs.
这座冰川以每年3000英尺的速度漂向大洋而且时常崩解出小块的冰山。 yeeyan

The poor guys live in the neighbouring barracks and apartments10-15 people in a single room paying3000 rubles100 USD for a person.
这些可怜的人住在附近的营房和公寓,10到15人挤在一间屋子里,每人要付付3000卢布100美元。 yeeyan

This method was used in Russia and Europe3000 years ago and they used oil, acid or water.
这种方法被使用于在3000年前的俄罗斯和欧洲,他们使用油,酸或水。 yeeyan

This seems like strange reasoning to me, as relationships are hard enough even without a3000- mile gap between you.
这个推理对我来说似乎很奇怪,因为即使你们之间没有3000英里的距离,恋爱也非常困难。 ebigear

We later moved up to a little town, town of3000.
然后我们从日本搬到了波士顿的一个小镇,人口只有3000人左右。 hjenglish




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