

单词 brown dwarf
释义 brown dwarf ˌbraʊnˈdwɔːf 短语⁸⁴³²⁰⁺
Astronomers have named the brown dwarf“ WD0806-661 B”.
天文学家将这颗“褐矮星”命名为“ WD0806-661 B”号。 huanqiu

Even the brown dwarf COROT-3b22 MJ is estimated to be about the volume of Jupiter.
甚至褐矮星 COROT-3b22倍木星质量的估计体积也与木星相差无几。 putclub.com

Future observations will determine whether this is a planet or a brown dwarf, a gaseous body not big enough to begin the nuclear fusion process that makes stars shine.
进一步观测将会确定这是否是一颗行星,还是一颗褐矮星,即一个不够大,无法开始核聚变反应来发出光芒的气体星体。 yeeyan

It could be a comet, rogue planet, or as this book maintains, a dying brown dwarf companion to Sol.
它可能是一颗彗星,流氓星球,或作为保持本书,一个垂死褐矮星的配套溶胶。 blog.sina.com.cn

Researchers differ in some details, but the consensus is that this is probably a brown dwarf.
研究人员在一些细节上有所不同,但他们的共识是这可能是一颗褐矮星。 blog.sina.com.cn

Scientists have not ruled out that the COROT- exo-3b may be a brown dwarf, or failed star.
科学家们还没有排除 COROT- exo-3b是褐矮星还是不成功恒星的可能性。 yeeyan

Secondly, not all stars within this volume may yet have been discovered, although this is only likely for the very dimmest red or brown dwarf stars.
第二,并不是在这个范围内的所有恒星都被我们发现了,虽然尚未发现的很可能只有些非常暗淡的红或褐矮星。 yeeyan

Such clustering could be explained if they were disturbed by an unseen object at least as large as Jupiter, possibly a brown dwarf.
这种聚集现象的一种解释是,一颗至少与木星一样大的未知天体扰乱了彗星运行的轨道,这颗天体有可能是褐矮星。 putclub.com

The orbit of the brown dwarf is huge, about2,500 times the distance between Earth and the sun.
这颗褐矮星的运行轨道相当庞大,大约是地球到太阳距离的2500倍。 huanqiu

This diagram shows a brown dwarf in relation to Earth, Jupiter, a low- mass star and the sun.
这张是褐矮星相对地球、木星、低质量恒星和太阳的对比图。 yeeyan




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