

单词 browed
释义 browed 英b'raʊd美b'raʊd COCA³¹⁵¹¹¹⁺BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
A black- browed barbet, one of Taiwan's endemic birds, stands guard by its nest in a tree on a street in Taipei.
一只台湾独有的黑眉巨嘴鸟正在台北的街边树上保卫自己的巢。 www.student.net.cn

Black- browed Zhao said with affection and consideration, “It's midnight, take care not to catch cold.”
“招白眼”温存而体贴地说:“半夜露重,当心着凉。” putclub

Black- browed albatrosses nest by the thousands in the remote Falkland Islands.
数千只黑褐色的信天翁栖息在遥远的福克兰岛上,三三两两,无拘无束。 yeeyan

Fierce- browed, I coolly defy a thousand pointing fingers; headbowed, like a willing ox I serve the children.
横眉冷对千夫指, 俯首甘为孺子牛。《新英汉大辞典》

Now there was Herto. As the broad, heavy- browed male skull emerged from its matrix of sand, it proved the perfect face for the out of Africa theory.
但在赫托村的发现提供了最直接的证据,这具头骨来自于一位宽额粗眉的男性,它的出土有力证明了人类起源于非洲的理论。 yeeyan

Preceded by the beadle, and attended by an irregular procession of stern- browed men and unkindly-visaged women, Hester Prynne set forth towards the place appointed for her punishment.
海丝特·白兰跟着在前面开路的狱吏,身后昆随着拧眉攒目购男人和心狠面恶的女人的不成形的队伍,走向指定让她示众的地方。 hjenglish

The temple is the symbolic architecture of this significant historic event of annihilation of the red- browed peasant insurrection.
该庙是降伏赤眉军这一重大历史事件的标志性建筑。 cnki

To find the dark- browed waitress.
去找到那个浓眉的女侍者。 wowenda




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