释义 |
狂欢 kuáng huān 基本例句 bingebeanfeastbenderrandanrevelspreewhoopeebashbe on the razzlehave a ballmake whoopeepaint the town redrevelryorgywhooplaon the batbatterwhoop-de-dodrinking boutbeat it upgo on the batrazzle-dazzlejaggo on a batwhoop things up繁体狂歡闹酒狂欢〈狂欢的、喧闹的或酒醉的节日;狂欢A riotous, boisterous, or drunken festivity; a revel. 这间大房子是许多无害狂欢的场所。The big chamber is the scene of many innocent revels. 狂欢活动通宵达旦。The revelries went on all night. 圣诞节盛宴歌舞的狂欢在英国是很常见的。Christmas revels with feasting and dancing were common in England. |