

单词 Brooklyn
释义 Brook·lyn 英ˈbrʊklɪn美ˈbrʊklɪnAHDbr‹kʹlĭn Economist⁷¹⁴⁵

a borough of New York Citybrooklyn bridge布鲁克林大桥(连接纽…

用作名词He lives in the Borough ofBrooklyn.他住在布鲁克林区。
At such times my sisters or I would pull him through the streets ofBrooklyn, NY, on a child's sleigh to the subway entrance.每当此时,我或我的姐妹们就用儿童雪橇把他拉过纽约布鲁克林区的街道,一直送他到地铁的入口处。 At the same time, he says, he wants to help the Brooklyn Museum.
同时他还说自己是想给布鲁克林博物馆帮忙的。 yeeyan

Cool down: The footballer encouraged his sons Cruz and Brooklyn to down bottles of water after their energetic game in the California sun.
在加利福尼亚的阳光下,贝克汉姆以一名优秀足球爸爸的身份向儿子科鲁兹与布鲁克林传授经验。 kekenet

In late January, I traveled from my Brooklyn apartment to a remote Vermont farmhouse belonging to a friend of a friend.
一月底,我从我的布鲁克林公寓去了一个偏远的福蒙特州农舍里,这个农舍是我朋友的朋友的。 yeeyan

The chair is one of a pair that I found at the Brooklyn Flea and reupholstered. .
椅子是我在布鲁克林跳蚤市场上淘来的,原来是一对,我换了上面的电子。 yeeyan

The tour includes the Botanical Garden, antique furniture district and Brooklyn Museum of Art stops.
旅程包括植物园,古董家具区,还有布鲁克林艺术博物馆这几站。 ecocn

The Brooklyn gang series is not really about gangs; it’s about emotionality and tension, abuse and abandonment.
这本书其实不是关于布鲁克林党的,而是有关情感上和紧张,泛滥以及遗弃。 blog.sina.com.cn

The Brooklyn Park closes at midnight and I stay until10.
布鲁克林公园午夜关门,而我会一直等到10点。 yeeyan

There are babies all over in Brooklyn.
布鲁克林到处都是婴儿。 ebigear

They are holding their ground even after more than 700 of them were arrested Saturday during a march on the Brooklyn Bridge in a tense confrontation with police.
在礼拜六的布鲁克林大桥游行期间,700人因为与警方的激烈冲突而被捕,但其他人现在仍然坚守著他们的立场。 yeeyan

To the sound of the band drumming on empty gas cans, the procession arrived at the Brooklyn Bridge.
随着乐队在空的汽油罐子上敲击的声音,游行队伍到了布鲁克林桥。 yeeyan

Where I have lived— Brooklyn Heights years ago and now in Provincetown.
我住过的地方——多年前的布鲁克林高地和现在的普罗温斯敦。 yeeyan

A lot of what I learned about business came from my father, who was an independent milkman in Brooklyn.
我从我父亲那里学来了很多商业知识,并且他只是一个布鲁克林的独立牛奶工。 yeeyan

But there's a scientist in Brooklyn, N. Y., who says he has a solution to all of these problems.
但是纽约州布鲁克林市的一位科学家声称他掌握了针对上述所有问题的解决方案。 yeeyan

He took his morning coffee to the east side of his Water Street loft, and looked out across the East River to the Brooklyn Bridge.
他在所居住的北水街阁楼的东侧一边喝着清晨咖啡,一边穿过东河眺望着布鲁克林大桥。 www.picturechina.com.cn

However, when I was four or five we moved to Brooklyn, New York, where my father became a partner in another business.
然而,当我四五岁时我们搬到了纽约布鲁克林区,在那里我父亲成了另一桩生意的合伙人。 yeeyan

My apprehension about the meeting vanished when she opened her mouth and I heard the familiar accent of Brooklyn, USA.
她一开口说话,我便听到了那熟悉的美国布鲁克林口音,我对董事会的担心也随之而消失了。 ebigear

Seven hundred protesters walked onto the Brooklyn Bridge, many or most of them apparently thinking the police wanted them to take this path, only to find themselves arrested.
七百名抗议者在布鲁克林大桥游行,他们当中的许多或者说是大多数人都以为是警察让他们走这条路线的,却发现自己被逮捕了。 yeeyan

She was also first-team all- state in a state that included Brooklyn and the Bronx.
她还是全纽约州,包括布鲁克林和布朗克斯在内,一线篮球球员。 yeeyan

Ten years ago, the Brooklyn Museum dismantled the sculpture garden during a reconstruction of its rear entrance.
十年前,布鲁克林博物馆在一次后出口的重建中拆除了雕塑园。 yeeyan

These pillows allow you to recreate a Brooklyn street in your home.
这些枕头能让你在自己家里再造出一条布鲁克林大街。 yeeyan

This is a photo by another American photographer, Walker Evans, a photo of Brooklyn Bridge.
这是由另一位美国摄影师沃克•埃文斯拍摄的布鲁克林大桥的照片。 ecocn

Yes, many artists have moved to other areas, such as Williamsburg, in Brooklyn, but that has merely spread the hipness rather than shifted its centre of gravity.
是的,许多艺术家搬到了布鲁克林的威廉斯堡等地方,但这仅仅传播了嬉皮的风格,而未曾撼动这种文化的中心地位。 ecocn




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