

单词 bronze
释义 bronze 英brɒnz美brɑnzAHDbrŏnz ★★☆☆☆高四六研IMST46八COCA⁶⁶³⁸BNC⁴⁷⁹⁰iWeb⁴⁹⁵⁹Economist¹⁶¹⁵⁰


alloy of copper and tin


color of bronze; reddish-brown

C青铜艺术品; 铜牌

work of art, e.g. a statue, made of bronze; medal awarded as third prize in a competition or race

an alloy of copper and tin and sometimes other elements; also any copper-base alloy containing other elements in place of tina sculpture made of bronze
of the color of bronzemade from or consisting of bronze
give the color and appearance of bronze to something;

bronze baby shoes

get a tan, from wind or sun来自法语、意大利语和拉丁语。可能受到古罗马港口城市Brindisi布林迪西的古称Brundisium的影响,该城市的青铜制造业在古代十分有名。
用作名词 n.
形容词+~fine bronzes精致的青铜制品precious bronzes珍贵的青铜制品介词+~statue in bronze青铜像a collection of bronzes一批青铜制品
非常记忆br病人〖拼音〗+on在上面〖熟词〗+ze则〖拼音〗⇒病人在上面则被晒成了古铜色联想记忆bron看作bom,天生的+ze→天生古铜色肌肤→古铜色近义词 head头部copper铜rust铁锈burn燃烧tan棕褐色model模范toast吐司figure图形statue雕像effigy肖像bust半身像brown棕色的henna指甲花sculpture雕塑figurine小塑像statuette小雕像bronzy青铜一样的rust-coloured锈色的
用作名词n.This statue is made of bronze.这个雕像是青铜做的。
There is too much yellow in the picture; it would look much better if the yellow is changed to bronze.画中黄色太多,如改为青铜色,就好看多了。
The swimmer won a bronze in the free style.那位游泳选手赢得了自由式的铜牌。Pbronzed青铜色的Paero-bronze气体青铜Pnickel-bronze镍青铜



用作名词The statue is made ofbronze.这座雕像是青铜铸成。
We fuse copper and tin to makebronze.我们把铜和锡熔制成青铜。
The woods today are burnishedbronze.今天的树林是一片发亮的青铜色。
The sanctuary lamp and the metal furniture werebronze.圣灯和一切金属器物都是青铜制品。
He won three golds and abronze.他获得三枚金牌和一枚铜牌。用作形容词The sculpture was abronzecast.这个雕塑是青铜铸成的
There will be a display ofbronzestatuary in this museum next week.下星期这个博物馆将举办一个青铜雕塑作品展览。
Remaining bits ofbronzesank away from sight.青铜色的余辉也不见了踪影。
Bronze hyperpigmentation is seen in hemochromatosis and arsenic intoxication.青铜色的色素沉着见于血色素沉着症和砷中毒。用作及物动词His face had beenbronzedby the sun.他的脸被太阳晒成古铜色。adj.coppery-brown color
同义词 burnished,chestnut,copper,russet,rust,tanbrownish,copper-colored,metallic brown,reddish-brown,reddish-tan
brownadjective of a dark color with a yellow-red hue
amber,auburn,bay,beige,bister,brick,buff,burnt sienna,chestnut,chocolate,cinnamon,cocoa,coffee,copper,drab,dust,ecru,fawn,ginger,hazel,henna,khaki,mahogany,nut brown,ochre,puce,russet,rust,sepia,snuff-colored,sorrel,tan,tawny,terra-cotta,toast,umber
orenoun metallic mineral
oresnoun metallic mineral
plateverb coat with metallic material
platesverb coat with metallic material
platingverb coat with metallic material
anodizing,bronzing,chroming,covering,electroplating,enamelling,encrusting,facing,flaking,foiling,gilding,laminating,layering,nickeling,overlaying,platinizing,scaling,silvering,stratifying Don’t be afraid to layer gold, silver and bronze bangles together, or wear silver flats when you have gold earrings on.
不要害怕把金、银和铜手镯叠加在一起,也不用担心戴着银牌的同时还戴着金耳环。 yeeyan

The ambiance of the Family Room is serene as it overlooks the tranquil sculpture garden with a bronze Hawaiian sculpture.
家庭房的氛围是宁静安详的,因为它俯瞰了一个摆设着青铜夏威夷雕塑的静谧雕塑园。 yeeyan

There is no prize money on offer: athletes compete only for the glory of gold, silver and bronze.
没有奖金提供:运动员仅仅是为了金银铜牌的荣誉而竞争。 iciba

A Chinese man who successfully bid for two looted bronze sculptures auctioned in Paris says his winning bid will not be paid.
作为在巴黎成功拍下两件被掠夺的青铜雕塑的中国人,他说竞标成功后自己并不会付款。 yeeyan

Caro often works in steel, but also in a diverse range of other materials, including bronze, silver, lead, stoneware, wood, and paper.
卡罗经常使用钢做作品,但也采用多样化的其它材料,比如青铜、银、铅、石制品、木头和纸。 yeeyan

For gold customers you might use air express, for bronze customers you might use the nearest snail.
对于金牌客户,您可能使用航空快递,对于铜牌客户,您可能使用最近的传统邮递。 ibm

He dropped out of college to join the marines and served with conspicuous bravery in Vietnam, winning a Bronze Star and two Purple Hearts.
大学期间他加入了海军,并凭借其在越南战场上的英勇卓绝获得了一块青铜星章和两块紫心勋章。 ecocn

He works in an array of mediums including: bronze, marble, wood, and even bone.
他创作要用一大批的材料,像青铜、大理石。木头、还有甚至是骨头。 yeeyan

I mean, from the bronze age up to titanium alloy steel you had all this amazing progress, and since then— nothing.
我是说,从青铜时代到钛合金钢,人类取得了巨大的进步,可是从那以后呢? ---再没有了。 yeeyan

Is it related to the use and persistent presence of natural compound colours such as bronze and white in your art?
是否和你在艺术中的对白色和自然混合色比如青铜色的坚持使用有关? yeeyan

It is worth visiting Volterra for this museum alone and for just one exhibit, a bronze votive figure of a boy, extraordinarily elongated in form.
游览沃尔泰拉是值得的,即使仅仅为了这个博物馆,一个展览,一个男孩许愿的青铜雕像,在形式上额外的加长。 yeeyan




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