词汇 | 爱屋及乌 |
释义 | 爱屋及乌 辨形“乌”,不能写作“鸟”。 辨形“乌”,不能写作“鸟”。 俄文полюбйл человéка -- полюбйл и егó блйжних 周文王的儿子姬发继位,即周武王。姜太公继续担任军师。武王的同母弟姬旦即周公,异母弟姬奭〔shì 〕即召公是武王的两个得力助手。同时,武王还得到了其他几个诸侯的拥护。于是,武王正式宣布出兵伐纣。大军在孟津今河南孟县之南的一个黄河渡口渡过黄河,向东北挺进,直逼商朝的朝歌今河南淇县东北。因为商纣王已失尽人心,军队也多不愿为他送命,于是逃的逃;降的降,起义的起义,朝歌很快就被攻克。纣王自杀,商朝就此灭亡。以后的八百年,便成了周的天下,称为周朝。 当周武王攻克朝歌之初,对于怎样处置商朝遗留下来的权臣贵族;官宦将士,能不能使局面稳定下来,武王心里还没有谱,因此有些担忧。为此,他曾同姜太公等商议。汉朝人刘向编撰的《说苑·贵法》里有这样一段文字记载: “武王克殷,召太公而问曰:‘将奈其士众何?’太公对曰:‘臣闻爱其人者,兼爱屋上之乌;憎其人者,恶其余胥。咸刘厥敌,使靡有余,何如?’” 大意是说:周武王打败了殷商,召见姜太公,问道:“该怎样对待他们的人员呢?”太公答道:“我听说,如果喜爱那个人,就连带喜爱他屋上的乌鸦;如果憎恨那个人,就连带夺来他的仆从家吏。全部杀尽敌对分子,让他们一个也不留,您看怎样?” 釐:通“禧”,福。 反义词 Love me, love my dog. If you love any one, you will like all that belongs to him. By a form of transference, I fell in love with everything she owned, it all seemed so intriguing, tasteful, different from what one could ordinarily buy in the shops. As he is interested in paintings and calligraphy, he also likes the tea culture, and therefore, he is in love with traditional teapots. The idiom is then used to mean that if you love someone, you'll love people and things relative to him as well. And I, it is Only, it is a place you have visited. Those who find healthy relationships discover the secret, that our soul mate isn’t actually perfect, but rather that person is“ perfect” for us, flaws and all. Men should not do that. If a man really has such a complex, then the role he played in marriage must be distorted. You know they say, “Love your wife love her dog”. There is an old proverb, “ Love me, love my dot.” There is an old proverb, “ Love me, love my dog.” |
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