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词汇 煞有介事
释义 煞有介事 shà yǒu jiè shì 常用成语
ludicrously pompousmake a great show of being in earnest近义盛气凌人;矫揉造作反义落落大方;雍容大雅;若无其事;变体像煞有介事正音“煞”,不能读作“shā”。
辨形“介”,不能写作“戒”。俄文с серьёзной миной
德文sich den Anstrich der Ernsthaftigkeit geben wichtigtuerisch;sich den Anstrich der Ernsthaftigkeit gebenwichtigtuerisch并不走,却抱着东西走向曾霆,‘煞有介事’的样子。 ★曹禺《北京人》第三幕;保长一只脚踏上板凳的一端,象煞有介事地抽吸起来。沙汀《替身》动宾式:作谓语;定语;状语;指故作姿态;含贬义。宋·陆九渊《语录下》:“先生曰:‘某何尝不教人读书,不知此后煞有甚事。’”;宋 陆九渊《语录下》:“先生曰:‘某何尝不教人读书,不知此后煞有甚事。’”


近义词 大样若有所失若无其事高视阔步矫揉造作盛气凌人大模大样
反义词 若无其事落落大方雍容大雅若有所失
God bless you, Captain Frank, “ came Rupert's deep solemn voice out of the dark when the flare died.” jukuu

All of us laugh at the humor of The Emperor's NEW Clothes, but we remember the story every time men pretend to be something that they are not .

IN OCTOBER2007 Gordon Brown decided against a snap election, ostensibly in order to lay his vision for Britain before the electorate in a more leisurely manner. ecocn

More plausibly, Pakistani intelligence officials accuse India of fanning a burgeoning nationalist insurgency in Baluchistan. ecocn

Anyway, this got me thinking of whether the particulars of button nomenclature really matter. yeeyan

It has since raised tensions by conducting an apparent nuclear test some experts say it could have been a hoax using huge quantities of high explosive and a series of missile tests. yeeyan

So let this be your space station; it's a big wheel, a radius of about100 meters and we'll make it very fancy for you.163

I saw this morning there were reports that I was out of practice yesterday because of a sore back. ebigear

It was a non event; some politicians came to smile and shake hands. iciba

The pundits like to slice-and- dice our country into Red States and Blue States;

If you have ever heard the earnest crooning of nonsensical English phrases by a Japanese pop star or seen the enthusiastic flash of a peace sign, you probably get the gist. yeeyan

Full of clattering buffoons is the market-place, — and the people glory in their great men! These are for them the masters of the hour.

They may not make progress, but they do provide process: so long as meetings happen, they create a sense that at least something is being done. ecocn

He loved to be told that one of his imaginary products was temporarily out of stock and he would faithfully promise to call again at some future date.

He loved to be told that one of his imaginary products was temporarily out of stock and he would faithfully promise to call again at some future date, but of course he never did. enmajor

他们也不会因为他回来后立即召集议会,并煞有介事地下榻内阁办公室简报室 COBRA只是让这个缩写让人印象更深刻而已而对他赞许有加。
Neither will they reward him for recalling Parliament and conspicuously camping out in Cabinet Office Briefing Room A—or COBRA, to give the room its more impressive-sounding acronym—when he got back. ecocn

The tone of discussion was much lower than at Mr. Morse's table. The men were not grave and dignified. ebigear

It describes financial bubbles in the1600s to1800s, most of which look ridiculous in retrospect but were very serious at the time. yeeyan

We get our news from the market- basket, but he sometimes tells us very unpleasant things about the people and the government. ebigear

Sometimes story, take on the piano chords try. yxad

在执行任务的同时,黄 SIR煞有介事地向李 SIR声明杂务科的第一诫:这个世界没有鬼!
While carries out duty, yellow SIR statement odd job branch first warns with an air of decorum to Li the SIR: This world does not have the ghost! tanxi

We should reject the counterfeit literature, not boost it or create any imaginary theory to cut a road for it. hicoo

The dramatic denouement required us to go through tiring stops at each city designed to be so boringly matter- of-fact that the media would stop tracking our movements. yeeyan

Not much“listening” went on before Italian mobs burnt down Roma gypsy camps recently, with the seeming approval of some local politicians. ecocn




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