词汇 | 焦头烂额 |
释义 | 焦头烂额 辨形“焦”,不能写作“蕉”。 辨析焦头烂额和“头破血流”;都可表示惨败或受到严重打击。但焦头烂额偏重指失败后受到严重打击后的狼狈相;还可表示十分狼狈窘迫;“头破血流”偏重指失败后的伤残相。 辨形“焦”,不能写作“蕉”。 辨析焦头烂额和“头破血流”;都可表示惨败或受到严重打击。但焦头烂额偏重指失败后受到严重打击后的狼狈相;还可表示十分狼狈窘迫;“头破血流”偏重指失败后的伤残相。 歇后语豺狼遭火烧;过了火的猪脑袋 法文air lamentable et épuiséaspect abattu,pitoyable 俄文вертéться как бéлка в колесé 德文in arge Bedrǎngnis geraten 主人听了以后,认为这个客人是故意找茬出他的洋相,心里很不高兴。当然,也就谈不上认真采纳这些意见了。 过了几天,这栋新房果然由于厨房的毛病起火了,左邻右舍,齐心协力,拼命抢救,才把火扑灭了。主人为了酬谢帮忙救火的人,专门摆了酒席,并把被火烧得焦头烂额的人请到上座入席。惟独没有请那位提出忠告的人。这就叫作:焦头烂额座上宾,曲突徙薪靠边站。 这时,有人提醒主人:“您把帮助救火的人都请来了,可为什么不请那位建议您改砌烟囱,搬开柴草的人呢?如果您当初听了那位客人的劝告,就不会发生这场火灾了。现在,是论功而请客,怎么能不请对您提出忠告的人,而请在救火时被烧得焦头烂额的人坐在上席呢?”主人听了以后,幡然醒悟,连忙把当初那位提出忠告的人请了来。 后来,人们根据这则故事,概括出“曲突徙薪”和“焦头烂额”两个成语。用“曲突徙薪”来比喻凡事要早作准备,防患于未然;用“焦头烂额”来形容狼狈窘迫的处境。 反义词 Miss Middleton, who is six months older than William, was credited with persuading the prince to stay on as he struggled to adjust to university life during his first year. The country is already roiled by worries over weakening exports and high inflation, of more than8%. Adding disaster relief to the mix makes steering the proper course even more difficult. The country's employment situation embarrasses him, but he does not necessarily feel that the railway is the solution. Maybe it’s all these years of apartment living. Or maybe it’s how I am SO OVER my stuff. Decisiveness is not a virtue of the embattled Mr Singh. Grander operators, who charge upwards of$500 a night, are suffering at the hands of budget safari hotels, whose minibuses crowd in on the animals, and whose latrines and rubbish pollute wild areas. The United States, still the only power that can really bang Israeli and Palestinian heads together, has been preoccupied elsewhere. Yet for all their tireless information- swapping, globocrats were caught napping by the financial crisis. If you can't get away from work entirely, alternate projects so that you don't get burned out by a one. Had Mr Cameron made such an appointment in2007, instead of Mr Coulson, he would not be in such a mess now. If you think that only bruised and battered, busy work was likely to succeed, then you are wrong. And Microsoft will have its hands full figuring out how to put the businesses together. A beleaguered bank economist trudged to France to defend himself at a symposium chaired by the head of the country’s constitutional court. The criminal- justice system is overwhelmed, and the prisons are filled far beyond capacity. A scandal that has licked around the feet of politicians and scorched the press rather moresee Bagehot has burned Britain’s biggest police force badly. Some local banks have failed; many of the foreign-owned ones now depend on their parents’ willingness to keep financing them— and those parents have plenty of problems at home. The country benefits, as well as suffers, from hosting a financial centre. In the hectic bustle of everyday life, many people have trouble finding time for themselves, time to think and to find peace. This is bad news for finance ministers, but their colleagues in transport departments are also feeling the heat. Amid this pressure the hacker underground, riven by squabbles and splits over personality and policy, has turned on itself. Most recently, the state-owned monopolist has come under fire for gaming the system and causing the electricity blackouts that have crimped industrial production across the country. Anxiety born in human genes is well enough to give people a hard time, let alone the lifelong anxiety caused by death. It is said that this innate anxiety disorder doesnot only affect humans. Silvio Berlusconi, leader of Italy's opposition, has predicted that this alone could prompt the country's centre-left government to “ implode”. |
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