释义 |
焌 Jùn|Qū 基本派生词 〔动〕extinguish a burning object by immersing in water;sauté;方;put out/extinguish a burning object把香烟在鞋底上焌掉put out/extinguish the cigarette by rubbing it against the sole of one's shoeburn他的手让烟头焌了一下。A cigarette end burnt his hand. 香头在扇子上焌了个窟窿。Joss stick stub burnt a hole in the fan.stir-fry after adding condiments to the boiling oil焌豆芽stir-fried bean sproutsheat oil and then pour it on the cooked food给凉拌莴笋上焌点香油pour some heated sesame oil on the lettuce saladjùn 焌豆芽焌油 |