

单词 brokers
释义 bro·ker·s 英'brəʊkəʳ美'broʊkər COCA¹⁰⁰⁵⁰BNC⁹⁵³²Economist⁹³⁰⁶
a businessman who buys or sells for another in exchange for a commission
act as a brokerinsurance broker保险经纪人broker party掮客型政党discount broker贴现票经纪人…marriage broker媒人exchange broker交易所经纪人,汇票掮…stock broker股票经纪人outside broker界外经纪人,一般经纪…note broker票据经纪人produce broker商品经纪人export broker出口经纪人money broker银行经纪人,短期借贷…ship broker经营船舶买卖的代理人…chartering broker租船经纪人loading broker装货经纪人freight broker运输经纪人customs broker报关行bill broker证券经纪人,票据经纪…government broker代政府买卖证券的经纪…curb broker场外经纪人floor broker(交易所内代客买卖的…
近义词 trader商人dealer商人seller卖方factor因素agent代理人negotiator磋商者representative代表stockbroker股票经纪人

用作名词I am an insurancebroker.我是一名保险经纪人。
I do not regard abrokeras a member of the human race.我不把经纪人当作是人类的一个成员。
Thebrokerbuys and sells shares for others.经纪人替他人买卖股票。用作及物动词Fighting between the two rival sides continued despite attempts by the neighboring country tobrokera ceasefire.敌对双方的战斗仍在继续,尽管邻国努力调停以实现停火。
Mr Breton has repeatedly promised tobrokera neat fix, but so far a solution has eluded him.布勒东先生反复承诺将给他们一个完美的解决方案,但时至今日,此方案仍然无影无踪。 The building may never command rents as high as those at trophies like the General Motors Building, but real estate brokers say the tower now shines.
帝国大厦或许从来都不会使得租金像通用建筑那么高,但是房地产经纪人说这座大楼现在非常有吸引力。 yeeyan

The brokers need to identify speculative trading, and regulations require them to report such cases in certain conditions.
经纪人需要识别投机交易,法律法规要求他们在某些情况下报告此类情况。 ibm

With this in mind, and an eye on the regulators who will be fathoming the antitrust considerations, some brokers are arguing that a reduction in the number of exchanges in America will push up fees.
有鉴于此,并且出于管理层着眼于反托拉斯的考虑,一些经纪人都叫嚷到在美国削减期货的交易品种将会增加他们的费用。 ecocn

Banks can run hedge funds, and act as prime brokers to them, as long as they do not invest in them or alongside them.
银行依然可以投资对冲基金,依然可以作为主要经纪人,但是他们不能够将对冲基金作为自营业务。 ecocn

Before 2007, Colorado and Alaska were the only states that did not require a state licence for mortgage- brokers.
2007年前,科罗拉多和阿拉斯加是全美唯一两个抵押贷款经纪人不需要州许可的州。 ecocn

For the brokers who work the floor of the Big Board, the past two weeks have been as exhausting and exhilarating as a triumphant run in a marathon race.
对于那些在纽约镇股权交易所工作的经纪人来说,过去的两个星期就像是一场令人疲惫不堪但又以令人兴奋的马拉松比赛一样。 yeeyan

HSBC, another carbon- neutral bank, finds the market for offsets so murky that it bypasses all brokers and devises its own projects.
另一家支持碳中和的银行汇丰认为补偿市场太过浑浊,因而绕过经纪人,计划自己的项目。 ecocn

Once professional brokers got in on the act, though, the nature of exchanges began to shift.
自从专业经纪人进入到这一行,金融交易市场的性质就开始变化。 ecocn

Share prices of insurers and brokers round the world have plunged as the investigation expands from property- casualty insurance into the life and health fields.
全世界范围内保险公司和经纪商的股票价格在调查从财产事故保险扩展到人寿保险领域时都纷纷跳水。 ecocn

That will reduce competition in mortgage brokering and enhance the incomes of existing mortgage brokers.
这样将会减少在抵押贷款经纪人中的竞争和增加现有抵押贷款经纪人的收入。 yeeyan

The credits have even become an industry unto themselves: brokers slice them into tranches and trade them.
税收优惠甚至形成了一个产业,经纪人把它分成不同的部分,并对它们进行经营。 kekenet

The great real estate brokers do far more than this.
而优秀的房地产经纪人做得可比这多得多。 yeeyan




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