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broilers 英b'rɔɪləz美b'rɔɪləz COCA⁸¹¹⁰⁷BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺⁶ 基本英英例句Thesaurus例句 肉鸡¹⁰⁰原型broiler的复数 名词 broiler: an oven or part of a stove used for broilingflesh of a small young chicken not over 2 1/2 lb suitable for broilingThe otherbroilersgroup in the model.模式之爱拔益加肉鸡组。 Avainbroilerswere used as experimental objects to study the influence of hot stress on the activities of intestine digestive enzymes.以艾维茵肉鸡为实验对象,研究了热应激对肉鸡消化酶活性的影响。as in.barbecue 同义词 fireplace,griddle,hibachi,roaster,spitcharcoal grill,gas grill,pit of coalsas in.griddle 同义词 skillet,spiderfrying pan barbecuenoun grill for cookout broiler,charcoal grill,fireplace,gas grill,griddle,hibachi,pit of coals,roaster,spit griddlenoun grill broiler,frying pan,skillet,spider Avian broilers were used as experimental objects to study the mechanism of the pituitary adrenal axis regulating immune system when being infected with virulent infectious bursal disease virus IBDV. 以艾维茵肉鸡为试验动物,研究了垂体肾上腺轴在传染性腔上囊病病毒 IBDV强毒株攻击时对免疫系统的调节作用。 dictall Effects on growth, nutrient apparent metabolic rate and digestive enzyme activity of broilers by adding antibiotic and Berberis extract were studied. 研究了日粮中添加抗生素或不同剂量三颗针提取物对肉仔鸡生长、养分表观代谢率和部分消化酶活性的影响。 dictall In this experiment,1- day-old320 broilers were divided into4 groups, each group included8 repeats and each repeat10 broilers. 试验选用1日龄320只健康肉仔鸡,随机分成4个处理组,每个处理组设8个重复,每个重复10只鸡。 magsci Inadequate energy or excessive protein in the diet was shown to decrease the relative growth rate of the testis of male broilers and inhibit the development of the seminiferous tubule. 结果表明:饲粮能量水平过低或蛋白质水平过高对肉用雄仔鸡睾丸相对生长速度及其曲细精管的发育有一定的阻碍作用; cnki The fourth experiment was conducted to study alleviating action of chitosan on immune stress induced by LPS injection in broilers. 研究了在LPS刺激下,壳聚糖对肉仔鸡生长性能、应激激素水平和免疫指标的影响。 cnki The main pattern and causes of the alteration in blood biochemistry indices in coccidia infected broilers were studied with principal component analysis. 用主成分分析法对球虫感染后血液生化指标的变化特点进行了剖析。 dictall The objective of this study was to improve the nutritive and feeding value of double- low rapeseed meal DLRM inclusion in diets for pigs and broilers. 本课题对进一步提高双低菜粕用于单胃动物猪和肉鸡的营养价值和饲养效果进行了系统研究。 dictall The aim of this experiment was to study the influence of Chinese medicine and Betaine prescription on growth of organization organ for three yellow broilers under high temperature. 本试验目的是探讨中药甜菜碱复方对处于高温环境中三黄鸡消化系统和免疫系统部分组织器官生长发育的影响。 dictall The effect of indicated hydrolyzed blood-cell protein and denatured plasma protein in the diet of broilers was studied in our experiment. 研究了在早期断奶仔猪日粮中添加盐酸水解羊血球蛋白粉和酸变性血浆蛋白粉的效果。 bioon The effects of pine-needle powder and medical stone compound additives of development of digestive organ of broilers were researched. 研究了松针粉-麦饭石复合添加剂对肉鸡消化器官发育的影响。 dictall The index of amino acid balance was evaluated according to ideal protein of layers and broilers. The results showed the new bean- meal is a good protein source for poultry feed. 以蛋鸡和肉仔鸡理想蛋白质为模型计算平衡性指数,表明新型豆粕为家禽的良好蛋白源。 cnki The broilers were fed with complete vegetal corn- soybean diets for6 weeks. 肉鸡饲以全植物性玉米-豆粕基础日粮,试验期6周。 cnki Affected broilers are stunted, pale, show morbidity, severe skin infections, fungal infections and general immunosuppression. 染病的肉鸡表现为生长受阻、苍白、表现病态、严重的皮肤感染、真菌感染和免疫抑制。 xaxhwy.com Four experiments were conducted to study the effects of thermostable phytase on phytate phosphorus PP degradation, growth performance, mineral utilization in broilers. 本试验研究耐热植酸酶对植酸降解及肉鸡生产性能、矿物元素利用率的影响。 fabiao Most commercial broilers are hybrid chickens. 最商业化类型的肉鸡是杂交鸡。 fao Nutritional values of high oil corn HOC had been evaluated with crossbredDLY growing- finishing pigs and yellow broilers on following experiments. 本研究主要通过以下试验来评定南方高油玉米 HOC对生长育肥猪及黄羽肉鸡的营养价值。 dictall Objective:To observe the effects of Folium Eucommiae decoctionFED on anti- oxidation function of hybrid broilers. 目的:观察杜仲叶水煎液对肉杂鸡抗氧化功能的影响。 dictall The result indicated that HSBP and DSPP both can substitute for the fish meal, do not affect growth of broilers and are also inexpensive in economy. 结果显示,羊血球水解蛋白和酸变性血浆蛋白均可代替鱼粉而不影响肉鸡的生长速度,且更为经济。 cnki The effects of cysteamine and chromium yeast on performance, carcass quality and serum parameters were studied in growing- finishing pigs and Liangfeng broilers by following experiments. 本研究主要通过以下试验来研究半胱胺、酵母铬对生长肥育猪和良凤肉鸡生长性能、胴体品质及血清生理生化指标的影响。 dictall The experiment was carried out to Investigate the effects of Schisandra Chinensis Extract on growth performance and intestinal microflora of broilers. 本文旨在研究五味子提取物对肉仔鸡生长性能和肠道微生物的影响。 dictall The herb residues of “ Growth Gramucle” were added into the diet of broilers and its effect on the growth of broilers was observed. 利用药厂生产“增长乐”取汁后的中药渣,配合于肉仔鸡日粮中并对其生长效果进行观察研究。 cnki The absorption of manganese for broilers fed with organic manganese with strong complex strength was higher than that with moderate one. 且强络合强度的有机锰的吸收明显高于中等络合强度的有机锰。 cnki The allometric relationships between body composition and components in broilers were investigated to establish the growth model to predict the growth of broilers. 本文通过饲养屠宰试验研究了肉仔鸡体组成及体组分间的异速生长关系,旨在为建立肉仔鸡生长预测模型奠定基础。 The starer broilers were housed under the intermittent light, which brought out the obvious reaction of light rhythm. 对星布罗肉鸡施以间歇光照,诱起明显的光周期反应。 cnki This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of vitamin A VA supplementation in diet on growth performance and immune function of laying hens and broilers. 试验研究了不同的维生素 A VA添加水平对肉鸡和蛋鸡的生长性能及机体免疫功能的影响。 To evaluate the effects of Captopril on the incidence of in broilers. 探讨了卡托普利对肉鸡腹水发病率的影响。 zgrj Yeast nucleic acid was added to the feed of Avian broilers in order to study the effects of exogenous nucleic acid on the growth performance, muscle composition and intestinal mucosa structure. 本试验通过在肉鸡日粮中添加酵母核酸,研究外源核酸对肉鸡生长、肌肉营养成分和肠粘膜结构的影响。 cnki Broilers of1 day were divided into3 groups by random sample, contrasted group, tested group1 and tested group2 with20 cocks and 20 hens respectively. 将体重相似的1日龄小鸡随机分成三组,对明组、试验1组和试验2组,每组公母各20只。 cnki |