释义 |
灯火辉煌 dēng huǒ huī huáng 常用成语 基本辨析辨析其它语言例句语法情感出处详细解释近义反义例句例句 brilliantly illuminated; ablaze with lights繁体燈火輝煌近义火树银光;张灯结彩反义黑灯瞎火;昏天黑地辨形煌,左部不能写作“光”。辨形煌,左部不能写作“光”。日文灯火があかあかと輝かがやく尤氏等送至大厅前,见灯火辉煌,众小厮都在丹墀侍立。清 曹雪琴《红楼梦》第七回主谓式:作谓语;定语;补语;用于描写夜景;中性词。明·冯梦龙《喻世明言》卷二十二:“理宗皇帝游苑,登凤凰山,至夜望见西湖内灯火辉煌,一片光明。”解释: 灯火光辉灿烂。形容夜晚一片光明热闹的景象。明·冯梦龙《喻世明言》卷二二:“一日,理宗皇帝游苑,登凤皇山,至夜望见西湖内灯火辉煌,一片光明。” 清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》七回:“尤氏等送至大厅前,见灯火辉煌,众小厮们都在丹墀侍立。” 浩然《乐土》四九章:“天色刚刚黑下来,稀稀拉拉的;可怜巴巴的小路灯还没有亮,戏园子里边已经是灯火辉煌。” 明·冯梦龙《醒世恒言》卷二〇:“廷秀随着邵爷直到后堂。只见堂中灯烛辉煌,摆着桌榼,夫人同小姐向前相迎。” 巴金《家》一:“几家灯烛辉煌的店铺夹杂在黑漆大门的公馆中间,点缀了这条寂寞的街道,在这寒冷的冬日的傍晚,多少散布了一点温暖与光明。”【注意】含褒义。——来自《商务馆小学生成语词典》 近义词 灯烛辉煌火树银花张灯结彩万家灯火火树银光 反义词 黑灯瞎火昏天黑地 宴会在灯火辉煌的人民大会堂举行。The banquet was held in the brightly-lit Great Hall of the People.当列车驶出车站时,我们看见车站对面的皇家约克酒店灯火辉煌。 As the train eases out of the station, we see the glamorous Royal York Hotel illuminated opposite. yeeyan 果真,一进唐人街,灯火辉煌,看样子,中国人,还真把优良传带到了美国。 Really, one into Chinatown, illuminated, evidently, the Chinese people, really good to pass to the United States. ncdiy 黎明前灰暗的天空下,小镇仍沉浸在它的美梦里,唯有彼得黑德的鱼市灯火辉煌,人声嘈杂。 IN THE pre- dawn gloom while the rest of the town still slumbers, the fish market at Peterhead is a blaze of light and activity. ecocn 甚至在灯火辉煌的拉斯维加斯,也有一些灯熄灭了。 Even in glittering Las Vegas, some lights were turned off. yeeyan 为庆祝国庆节,公共建筑物灯火辉煌。 Public buildings were lit up for celebrating the National Day. chinafanyi.com 我穿过草坪,不久便来到一家灯火辉煌的大旅馆。 A few steps across the lawn brought me to a big splendid hotel. blog.sina.com.cn 仰望大厦,一片灯火辉煌,每一扇窗户里都能讲出一个奋发向上的故事。 Look, a bright, building in every window can tell a story of ourselves. blog.sina.com.cn 走出茶庄已接近午夜,繁华的街道上依然车来人往,灯火辉煌。 Out of the tea is close to midnight, downtown streets still come to the car, illuminated. enwaimao.cn 埃特纳火山坐落在意大利灯火辉煌的卡塔尼亚城上,火焰直冲云天,火山岩浆如河流般顺着火山两边向外溢出。 Perched above the lighted city of Catania, Italy, Mount Etna hurls a fountain of fire skyward as rivers of lava spill down its flanks. yeeyan |