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词汇 Brody
释义 Brody ˈbrodi 高Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
布罗迪 姓¹⁰⁰
A cautionary tale set in the world of modern genetics, it stars Adrien Brody and Sarah Polley as a pair of scientists who play dangerous games with human and animal DNA.
故事充满寓意的以现代遗传学为题材,阿德里安·布罗迪和萨拉·波莉在片中饰演了一对科学家,他们以人类和动物的 DNA进行危险的实验。 yeeyan

“A negative scan, even with these advanced methods, does not rule out traumatic brain injury,” Dr. Brody said.
“即使这种先进的扫描技术也不能排除脑损伤的可能性,”布罗迪博士说道。 yeeyan

“That's the nice, relaxed feeling afterwards, ” says Stuart Brody, a psychologist at the University of the West of Scotland who has conducted numerous studies on sex and health.
“事后放松的感觉非常棒,”苏格兰西部大学的心理学家 Stuart Brody这样说。他做过很多关于性和健康的研究。 yeeyan

Adrien Brody,32: A fellow Oscar winner, the King Kong star can be her real- life hero.
阿德里安·布罗迪32岁;同是奥斯卡奖项得主,这位《金刚》中的男主角兴许可以成为齐薇格现实生活中的主角。 cri

Adrien Brody starred as Jack Starks, a Gulf War vet who gets put into Kris Kristofferson's mental institution after a bout of amnesia.
Adrien Brody扮演了 Jack Starks,一个海湾战争的老兵,在健忘症发作后被送入 Kris Offerson的精神病院里。 yeeyan

After Mrs Brody died last November, Christie's and Sotheby’s fought to win the mandate for the sale.
在11月份布罗迪夫人去世后,克里斯蒂拍卖行和索斯比拍卖行就为获得艺术品的委托权争得不可开交。 ecocn

For Avril Lavigne and Brody Jenner, it was a night to remember; and clearly a night they will never forget.
对艾薇儿·拉维尼 Avril Lavigne和布罗迪·杰纳 Brody Jenner来说,这是一个值得记住的夜晚,也很明显是一个他们永远也不会忘记的夜晚。 yeeyan

How does it fell, brody?This is not about me, this is about you!
感觉如何,布罗迪?问题不在我而在你这里! douban

In every successful political campaign, people like Ken Brody somehow appear, bringing energy, ideas, and converts.
在每一次成功的政治竞选运动中,像肯.布罗迪这样的人总会莫名地出现,他们带来了活力、理念和转投民主党的支持者。 yeeyan

It’s a rule, bartender Karen Brody says: The schlubbier the guy, the more likely he is to persistently pursue a pretty woman.
“这是个规律”,酒保 Karen Brody说,“越垃圾的家伙越不停的追求美女。” hjenglish

Most patients entering clinical trials believe they are getting a new treatment that may benefit them, Dr. Brody said.
布罗迪教授指出,大部分参加临床试验的患者认为他们正在接受一种新的治疗,能使病情好转。 yeeyan

Picasso's masterpiece was the heart of a collection consigned by the heirs of Mrs Sidney F. Brody.
毕加索的这副名画是辛迪 F·布罗迪夫人的继承人们委托给克里斯蒂拍卖行的收藏品中最珍贵的一件。 ecocn

Richard Engquist, Jane Brody's husband, died March18.
简·布隆迪的丈夫李察·恩奎斯特,于3月18日故去。 yeeyan

Sidney and Frances Brody had displayed these pieces in the home they commissioned from A. Quincy Jones in the hills above Los Angeles.
辛迪 F·布罗迪住在洛杉矶山上的家里房子由昆西·琼斯设计,这次委托的作品原来就摆在那里。 ecocn

They are based on recipes published in “ Jane Brody’s Good Food Book” and“ Jane Brody’s Good Food Gourmet.”
它们是根据已出版的《简布罗迪的好食品图书》和《简布罗迪的好食品美食》中的烹饪法设计的。 yeeyan

Three months later this record was broken again when Christie’s in New York sold the beautiful, rare1932 Picasso from the Brody collection for $106.5m.
三个月后,这个记录在纽约的克里斯蒂拍卖行再次被打破,布罗迪夫人收藏的毕加索创作于1932年的漂亮稀有的作品卖了$106.5 m。 ecocn

Undiagnosed and treated postpartum depression“ causes enormous distress to the family, and it can have long-lasting consequences for the child,” said Meltzer- Brody.
另外,未知原因和未被治疗的产后抑郁更会对家庭产生很大的危害,并对孩子产生长期的影响。 yeeyan

When a really attractive man is interested in a date, Brody says, he’s quieter and more cautious.
“当一个真正有吸引力的男人想要约会时,” Brody说,“他会更加平静、小心。” kekenet

Brody says this may be because sexual activity helps regulate hormonal levels, which in turn affect the symptoms of menopause.
布罗迪说这可能是因为性生活帮助调节激素水平,而这些激素反过来影响了更年期症状。 yeeyan

Brody's experiment, in which more sexually active study subjects had markedly less dramatic blood pressure spikes when they were put under stress, also supports the benefit.
在布罗迪的试验中,性生活活跃的人在压力下,血压也低得多,同样证明了这一好处。 yeeyan




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