词汇 |
濟弱扶傾 |
释义 |
濟弱扶傾 jì ruò fú qīng 基本例句语法情感出处 救助弱小危难者。救济扶助弱小或遭到危难的人或国家。桓公匡合,济弱扶倾。⎣但学生自想,生平虽无大德,济弱扶倾,矢志已久。⎝《初刻拍案惊奇.卷二○》也作「济弱扶危」。近义扶危济困变体济弱扶倾倘蒙仁慈隐恻,庶有濟弱扶傾,希垂顾答审详,望感渠荷滴沥。 ◎清·平步青《霞外捃屑》卷五联合式;作谓语;定语;指救助弱小危难的人。南朝·梁·周兴嗣《千字文》:“桓公匡合,济弱扶倾。”元·王子一《误入桃源》第四折:“你若肯扶倾济弱,我可便回嗔作笑。” |
随便看 |
- Injuries,Craniocerebral
- Injuries,Craniocervical
- Injuries,Diffuse Axonal
- Injuries,Diffuse Brain
- Injuries,DNA
- Injuries dogged the football team all season
- Injuries,Electric
- Injuries,Experimental Radiation
- Injuries,Eye
- Injuries,Facial
- Injuries,Facial Nerve
- Injuries,Finger
- Injuries,Focal Brain
- Injuries,Foot
- Injuries,Forearm
- injuries from high and low temperatures
- injuries from sharp utensils
- injuries from sharp wares
- Injuries,Hand
- Injuries,Head
- Injuries,Heart
- Injuries,Hip
- Injuries,Hypoxic Brain
- Injuries,Hypoxic-Ischemic Brain