

单词 broad sense
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In a broad sense, what anyone does is beneficial to the society.
广义上说,任何人作的工作都对社会有益。 edu.sina.com.cn

It is in lines with above history and present condition of China to make ethnology in broad sense and anthropology as first class discipline.
把广义的“民族学”与“人类学”并列为一个一级学科,比较符合学科发展的历史和当前中国的现实。 http://dict.cnki.net

As the Flash format is vector based, it also allows for very flexible and fluid user interface components, which can be reused in a broad sense.
由于 Flash格式是基于矢量的,因此允许使用非常灵活多变的用户界面组件,并且这些组件可以大量重用。 ibm

Common folk had only vague notions of their own image in the broad sense.
普通人对自己的形像只有模糊的概念。 yeeyan

In broad sense, fraternity is a body of people associated for a common purpose or interest, or joined by similar backgrounds, occupations, or tastes.
从广义上来讲,兄弟会是一群有着共同目的和兴趣或者有着相似背景、职业和品位的人组织的一个团体。 ebigear

Mr Shirakawa described the new lending facility as“ quantitative easing in a broad sense”.
白川方明称新的借贷措施是“广义上的量化宽松”。 ecocn

Right in its broad sense reflects subjective must, while right in its narrow sense reflects objective existence, that is, right is the protective right confirmed by law.
广义上的法权概念反映其主观应该性,而狭义的法权概念反映其实然客观存在,即法权是通过法律确认与保护的权利。 cnki

So a thorough examination of DI, in the context of this book, is really an examination of application architecture and design in a broad sense.
所以,本书中对依赖注入的彻底研究,在广义上是真正的对应用架构和设计的研究。 infoq

Broad sense of thinking is the preconscious type of awareness that we have in sensational cognitively relevant sensations.




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