词汇 | 滥竽充数 |
释义 | 滥竽充数 辨形“滥”,不能写作“烂”;“竽”,不能写作“芋”;“竿”。 辨析滥竽充数和“鱼目混珠”;都可表示以假的坏的冒充真的好的。但滥竽充数除表示以假乱真外;还有以次充好的意思;“鱼目混珠”表示的以假乱真程度高;辨别不出。 辨形“滥”,不能写作“烂”;“竽”,不能写作“芋”;“竿”。 辨析滥竽充数和“鱼目混珠”;都可表示以假的坏的冒充真的好的。但滥竽充数除表示以假乱真外;还有以次充好的意思;“鱼目混珠”表示的以假乱真程度高;辨别不出。 歇后语南郭先生吹竽;红薯粉掺在藕粉里 法文occuper une place pour laquelle on n'est pas qualifié 俄文занимáть место только для полного счёта 德文wie ein Kuckuck unter Nachtigallen 有个南郭先生听说了齐宣王的这个癖好,觉得有机可乘,是个赚钱的好机会,就跑到齐宣王那里去,吹嘘自己说:“大王啊,我是个有名的乐师,听过我吹竽的人没有不被感动的,就是鸟兽听了也会翩翩起舞,花草听了也会合着节拍颤动,我愿把我的绝技献给大王。”齐宣王听得高兴,不加考察,很爽快地收下了他,把他也编进那支300人的吹竽队中。这以后,南郭先生就随那300人一块儿合奏给齐宣王听,和大家一样享受着优厚的待遇,心里得意极了。 其实南郭先生撒了个弥天大谎,他压根儿就不会吹竽。每逢演奏的时候,南郭先生就捧着竽混在队伍中,人家摇晃身体他也摇晃身体,人家摆头他也摆头,脸上装出一副动情忘我的样子,看上去和别人一样吹奏得挺投入,还真瞧不出什么破绽来。南郭先生就这样靠着蒙骗混过了一天又一天,不劳而获地白拿薪水。可是好景不长,过了几年,爱听竽合奏的齐宣王死了,他的儿子齐湣min王继承了王位。齐湣王也爱听吹竽,可是他和齐宣王不一样,认为300人一块儿吹实在太吵,不如独奏来得悠扬逍遥。于是齐湣王发布了一道命令,要这300个人好好练习,作好准备,他将让它300人轮流来一个个地吹竽给他欣赏。乐师们接到命令后都积极练习,都想一展身手,只有那个滥竽充数的南郭先生急得像热锅上的蚂蚁,惶惶不可终日。他想来想去,觉得这次再也混不过去了,只好连夜收拾行李逃走了。 像南郭先生这样不学无术靠蒙骗混饭吃的人,骗得了一时,骗不了一世。假的就是假的,最终逃不过实践的检验而被揭穿伪装。我们想要成功,唯一的办法就是勤奋学习,只有练就一身过硬的真本领,才能经受得住一切考验。 【注意】❶注意滥竽充数的竽上边是竹字头。❷含贬义。有时也表示自谦。 反义词 In 9 the organization learning rigorous system, excellent learning atmosphere, pretend to play the Yu people careful into. There has been such a writer who wrote an excellent novel in the state but never be in it afterwards. All his later novels are written for remunerations, being rubbish for making up numbers. An open workspace works well when the people on the team respect each other enough to work in that workspace, rather than goofing off. Fleet management evaluation may not lead to corrupt doctors. For example, “ Barry was really scraping the bottom of the barrel when he invited Suzanne to the prom.” In the meantime, Institutional Economics is characteristic of the shrewd observation of the first rate economists in China and superficial analysis of the third rate economists. She is a sorry apology for an actor. It is not the social order that needs to expand so as to avoid redundancy and entropy but the market itself. Due to the excellent characteristics of cashmere products, despite their higher price, is still favored by consumers, as profitable, pass cashmere products on the market“ on stage”. This is called“ awfulizing, ” the idea that any relaxation in standards or vigilance is the first step toward failure, degradation, and the collapse or civilization as we know it. Most of the21 parties elected to Congress under this system are little more than name plates. |
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