

单词 broadened
释义 broad·en·ed 英'brɔːdn美'brɔːdn 高COCA²³⁴²⁴BNC¹⁹²⁵⁵iWeb⁴⁴¹¹⁰Economist¹²⁹⁰¹
make broader;

broaden the road

extend in scope or range or area;

The law was extended to all citizens

widen the range of applications

broaden your horizon

Extend your backyard

vary in order to spread risk or to expand;

The company diversified

become broader;

The road broadened

broaden line analysis拆线分析法broaden curve虚线曲线broaden ray屈拆的光线broaden one's horizons大开眼界
近义词 out出add加up向上to对于widen加宽extend延伸spread传播open开着的add to增加enlarge扩大stretch伸展thicken变浓distend扩大develop发展augment增加magnify放大amplify扩大open up打开increase增加dilate使扩大inflate使膨胀supplement增刊aggrandize增加generalize概括spread out伸开expand使 … 膨胀swell使膨胀deepen 使 … 加深diversify使多样化branch out横生枝节, 扩大范围…

用作动词The workmen dug down the wall in order tobroadenthe road.工人们掘倒了那堵墙,以便扩宽路面。
You can not determine the length of your life, however, you canbroadenit.你无法决定人生的长度,但是你却可以让它变得更加宽广。
By reading, we canbroadenour horizon.通过阅读,我们可以扩大视野。
It is our company's aim tobroadenthe range of services continually.不断地扩大服务领域,是本公司的目标。
Good novelsbroadenyour horizons.好小说开阔人的眼界。
You shouldbroadenyour experience by travelling more.你应该多到各地走走以增广见识。as in.enlarged
同义词 expanded,extended,inflated,intensified,magnified,swollenaggrandized,amplified,augmented,caricatured,developed,dilated,distended,elaborated,exaggerated,lengthened,spread,stretched,widenedadded to,blown up,filled out,tumid,turgid
反义词 compressed,contracted,shrunkenreduced
enlargedadjective increased
added to,aggrandized,amplified,augmented,blown up,caricatured,developed,dilated,distended,elaborated,exaggerated,expanded,extended,filled out,inflated,intensified,lengthened,magnified,spread,stretched,swollen,tumid,turgid,widened In the wake of these and other events, however, it has become clear that the definition of governance has broadened and that awareness of risk has become a fiduciary obligation.
但是,一系列类似事件发生之后,很明显,管理职能的定义已经扩大,风险意识已成为董事会的本分。 fortunechina

The foundation’s architecture school has broadened its reach to the point of admitting that there are other architects worth learning about.
赖特基金会的建筑学校已经扩大了它的理念:其他设计师也有值得学习的地方。 yeeyan

The market stability is going to be the Fed, the Fed's role would be broadened so that it's not just a banking regulator, it's the whole financial system.

The newspapers were transformed as the scope of the news broadened and became less conservative.
报纸在向扩大新闻范围方面转变,并变得不那么保守了。 ebigear

The renamed committee has broadened its focus from the appearance of applications to the applications' complete interactive, human-facing experience.
改名后的委员会将其关注重点从应用程序外观拓宽到应用程序的完整交互式、人性化体验。 ibm

A bulldozer broadened the gaps.
一辆推土机将缺口扩大。 ecocn

And apparently, some streets must be reconstructed and broadened.
而且很明显一些街道应该重建和拓宽。 yeeyan

But studying there was ultimately a fulfilling and unforgettable experience that broadened his interests and taught him to remain a perpetual student.
但是在英国的求学经历是充实和难忘的,因为在那段时间拓展了他的兴趣,并使他学会要终身学习。 ecocn

Governance is also one mechanism by which a culture of software quality can and should be broadened.
管理也是一种机理,通过这个机理,软件质量的文化氛围可以并且应该得到拓展。 ibm

In the last couple of years of his life, he had broadened his civil rights agenda to include an assault on urban poverty and outspoken opposition to the war.
在他生命的最后几年里,他把自己民权运动的目标扩大到与城市贫困作斗争和公开反对战争等方面。 yeeyan

Now that one of their own is president, the influence of the Guards has broadened.
如今护卫军的盟友成了现任总统,革命护卫军的势力也就扩大了。 ecocn

On the right, critics will argue that the resolution regime and broadened Fed oversight amount to an extension of state support to large financial firms.
右派中,批评家们会说这个决议体制和美联储扩大范围的监督同等于国家队大金融企业的支持的扩展。 ecocn

Technology has enabled well- informed people to become even better informed but has not broadened the audience for news.
科技使博识的人更加通晓天下事,但并没有使关注新闻的人群范围有所扩大。 ecocn

The road was broadened into a four- lane highway.

The membership of the Financial Stability Forum, a group of regulators and central bankers charged with the technicalities of financial supervision, is to be broadened.
由一群专门研究金融监管的管理者和中央银行家们组成的金融稳定论坛,将会扩大其成员数量。 ecocn

The trend was first identified several years ago in the country's biggest cities, but has broadened out to smaller locales and across more industries.
几年前在美国最大城市中首先发现这一趋势,但目前已扩大至较小地区,并涉及更多行业。 putclub

This approach could be broadened to other markets that have shut down.
这一举措可能会被扩大到其他业已关闭的市场。 ecocn




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