

单词 broadcaster
释义 broad·cast·er 英'brɔːd,kɑːstə美'brɔdkæstɚ ★★☆☆☆高COCA¹¹⁶⁶²BNC¹⁸⁵⁶⁵iWeb⁸⁵³⁵Economist⁵²⁵⁴

someone who broadcasts on radio or televisiona mechanical device for scattering something seed or fertilizer or sand etc. in all directionstrailing broadcaster牵引式撒播机,牵引式…aerial broadcaster飞机播种机,飞机撒播…spinner broadcaster旋转式撒播机,离心式…reciprocating spout fertilizer broadcaster摇摆口式撒肥器…parallel twin disk broadcaster平行双盘撒播器…fertilizer broadcaster肥料撒播机seed broadcaster撒播机,撒播器…
蒋争熟词记忆broad广阔cast播-er表示人或物⇒广播员;广播电台;播种机broad广阔cast播-er表示人或物⇒广播员;广播电台;播种机近义词 anchor锚journalist记者spreader散布者announcer广播员presenter主持人newscaster新闻广播员newsreader新闻广播员

用作名词His wife is a famous televisionbroadcaster.他妻子是著名的电视播音员。
He was chosen as abroadcasterfor his round and sonorous voice.他因为嗓音圆润洪亮而被选为播音员。as in.announcer
同义词 disc jockey,newscaster,reporterDJ,anchorperson,communicator,talker,telecasterdeejay,leader of ceremonies,rip and reader,spieler,veejay,vjas in.disc jockey
同义词 announcer,deejay,disk jockey,radio announcerDJ,pancake turner,radio performer,radio personality,shock jock,video jockey,vjas in.journalist
同义词 columnist,commentator,correspondent,editor,press,reporter,writerannouncer,contributor,cub,hack,newsperson,publicist,scribe,scrivener,stringermedia person,newspaper person,pencil pusher,television commentatoras in.radio announcer
同义词 disc jockeydeejay,DJas in.talking head
同义词 commentator,newscasterannouncer,newsreader
announcernoun media commentator
DJ,anchorperson,communicator,deejay,disc jockey,leader of ceremonies,newscaster,reporter,rip and reader,spieler,talker,telecaster,veejay,vj
disc jockeynoun individual who plays recorded music on the radio or at social events
DJ,announcer,broadcaster,deejay,disk jockey,pancake turner,radio announcer,radio performer,radio personality,shock jock,video jockey,vj
journalistnoun person who writes about factual events for a living
announcer,broadcaster,columnist,commentator,contributor,correspondent,cub,editor,hack,media person,newspaper person,newsperson,pencil pusher,press,publicist,reporter,scribe,scrivener,stringer,television commentator,writer
radio announcernoun radio broadcaster
DJ,broadcaster,deejay,disc jockey
talking headnoun speaker on television
announcer,broadcaster,commentator,newscaster,newsreader He has recently changed the rules so that the head of France Télévisions, the public broadcaster, is a direct presidential nomination.
最近,萨科奇对法规进行了修改,公共广播机构——法国电视集团由是可以由总统直接任命。 ecocn

NHK, the national broadcaster, has uncertain reports on the number of dead and missing, but the combined totals are believed to be in the hundreds.
目前,对于死亡和失踪的人数,日本广播公司NHK还未给出确切报道,但总计相信应该有数百人。 ecocn

The main culprit of this whole controversy is the broadcaster.
这场争论的针对者应该是那些广播公司。 yeeyan

“The fire became so big because the scaffolding contained a great amount of flammable materials, ” Zhu Zhixiang, a Shanghai firefighting official told state broadcaster CCTV.
“火灾演变成如此巨大,是因为脚手架里有着大量的易燃材料”,上海的一位消防官员告诉国家广播公司 CCTV。 yeeyan

It takes a while, but the broadcaster does not need expensive server farms or fat data pipes to deliver massive files to viewers anywhere in the world.
这要花一段时间,但这些广播机构无需昂贵的服务器群组或大容量数据管道,就能将大型媒体文件发送给世界各地的观众。 ecocn

Its vast Paint Hall has become a film studio; last month HBO, an American broadcaster, signed up to shoot a second series of “ Game of Thrones” there.
庞大的喷漆厅现已成为电影制片厂;上个月,美国广播公司家庭影院 HBO签署协议,要在那里拍摄《权力的游戏》第二季。 ecocn

Last month a German public broadcaster accused WWF of being too close to GM food companies working in Latin America.
上个月一家德国公共广播电台指责 WWF与在拉丁美洲运作的 GM食品公司走得太近。 yeeyan

Men with close links to the Guards control principal media outlets such as the state broadcaster as well as the powerful Ministry for Islamic Guidance and Culture.
一些与革命护卫军关系甚密的人控制着国家主要的新闻媒体渠道,如国有广播公司和强大的伊斯兰教指引与文化部门。 ecocn

Most Iranians receive their news from the state broadcaster, IRIB, or satellite broadcasts from abroad.
大多数伊朗人从国家广播公司IRIB了解新闻,或者观看国外的卫星电视。 ecocn

Ms Singh, a London-based journalist and broadcaster, appears to think that her duty as a biographer is to write a hagiographical defence of her subject.
辛格女士,一个身在伦敦的记者及广播员,似乎认为作为一个传记作家,自己的责任就在于为主人公写出一本圣录体的抗言。 yeeyan

News Corporation has been forced to end its pursuit of BSkyB, a satellite broadcaster that Mr Murdoch helped build.
新闻集团被迫停止收购默多克先生协助创办的卫星电视运营商——天空广播公司。 ecocn

Now do the same for a show made by a foreign broadcaster.
那么,同样的举动对外国广播电视公司制作的影片做一遍。 ecocn

Offering free access seems to reinforce the broadcaster’s brand, and boosts viewer loyalty.
免费手机电视似乎能够加强广播公司的品牌知名度,提高观众的忠诚度。 ecocn

One year later the state broadcaster enticed Argentina’s football association to tear up its contract with a Clarín-owned cable channel and put its matches on public television instead.
一年后,国有广播公司怂恿阿根廷足协撕毁了与克莱林旗下有线频道签署的合同,转而由公共电视台播出足球赛事。 ecocn

South Korea's state broadcaster says officials from the two Koreas met secretly last week in Singapore to discuss a summit.
韩国国家广播公司说,南北韩官员上星期在新加坡秘密会晤探讨举行峰会的问题。 iciba

The stunning images from NHK, Japan's national broadcaster, of the northeastern coastal towns completely destroyed by the tsunami that devastated them, had everyone's attention.
日本国家广播公司 NHK记录下了被海啸彻底摧毁的日本东北沿海城镇的情况。这些触目惊心的镜头,令所有人驻足。 fortunechina

The BBC World Service will see its Foreign Office funding withdrawn, falling under the general BBC budget: this might harm that global broadcaster.
其对 BBC世界服务的财政支持会减少,导致 BBC的预算低于正常水平:这会伤害到这位全球广播公司。 ecocn




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