

单词 broadcasted
释义 broadcasted 英'brɔ:dka:stid美'brɔ:dka:stid COCA¹²⁴⁰⁶⁸BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
动词 broadcast:
broadcast over the airwaves, as in radio or televisionsow over a wide area, especially by handcause to become widely knownbroad-casted⇒broadcast的过去式和过去分词
She is an announcer in TVbroadcast.她是电视台的一名主持人。
My husband and I watch the nightly newsbroadcasteveryday.我丈夫和我每天都看晚间新闻。 A minimal broadcast network is a communication network in which a message can be broadcasted in minimum time.
极小广播网络就是指能在最短时间内广播一条消息的通讯网络。 cnki

One of the highlights of this spring festival is that a Spring Festival Gala organized by non- professional people will be broadcasted live on the internet at the same time with CCTVs Gala.
今年春节最受关注的事件之一是一台业余人士制作的春节联欢晚会将通过互联网与央视春晚同步播出。 galaxy7

The economy boomed, MTV broadcasted from exotic spring-break locales, Friends portrayed young adults living comfortably in roomy apartments in Manhattan.
经济繁荣、 MTV播放的是具有异国情调的度假村,《老友记》描绘了年轻人居住在曼哈顿宽敞舒适的公寓里。 blog.sina.com.cn

The opening ceremony of the talks has been broadcasted live by CCTV and you have already listened to the speeches delivered by the heads of all the delegations, on which I will not brief you here.
会谈的开幕式中央电视台已进行现场直播,大家都已听到各代表团团长的致辞,所以我在此就不再介绍情况了。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

To make it easy and reliable to realize the search, the suggestion that the dynamic weigh be broadcasted in time by the traffic control department is put forward.
提出了由交通管理部门实时广播权值信息,为用户进行最佳路径搜索提供动态权值的设想。 cnki

“ We broadcasted these rescue cries for three days, and then we moved to the relief phase,” he said.
“我们播放这些求救信息三天,之后就进入倦怠期,”他说。 yeeyan

According to my knowledge, since CCTV broadcasted live the opening ceremony, which many journalists stayed in their offices to watch, they are not present at the scene.
据我了解,由于中央电视台对开幕式进行了现场直播,很多记者都呆在办公室观看,所以未到现场。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

During the show they broadcasted the ultrasound images and the audio of the baby's heartbeat.
在节目中,他们播放了超声波的图像和胎儿的心跳音频。 yeshj

During test application test data is broadcasted to every core under test by bus, thereby implementing concurrent test of multiple cores.
测试应用时总线广播测试数据到各个被测芯核,从而实现多核的并行测试。 cnki

In 1973, Presley staged the first concert broadcasted globally via satellite. It was titled Aloha from Hawaii and the concert was seen by around1.5 billion people.
1973年,猫王举办了首个通过卫星全球播出的演唱会,题为《欢迎来到夏威夷》,约有15亿观众观看了这场演出。 kekenet

Iraqi state television has broadcasted the alleged confession of an organizer of the bombings who said he’d received his orders from2 Syrian-based members of Saddam Hussein’s Baathist party.
伊拉克国家电视台报道称,爆炸事件的组织者声称其收到位于叙利亚的两名前萨达姆党羽的命令。 hxen

Notice that the argument specifies both agents that are to receive the broadcasted events.
注意参数指定了接收广播事件的所有两个代理。 ibm

The first interview with the couple, with ITN, was broadcasted at11:45 EST; a public appearance for photographs followed soon after.
这对情侣首次访谈在美国东部标准时间11:45由英国独立新闻台 ITN播出,不久之后,两人的照片也公之于众。 yeeyan

The TOC message can be broadcasted, solely or alternating with DGNSS message, over one Loran C channel.
在一个罗兰 C信道上,可以单一广播 TOC信息,也可以与差分 GNSS信息交替广播。 dictall

This paper introduced settlement of the user terminals when the digital TV and the analog TV are broadcasted through the network.
介绍通过网络来播放数字电视和模拟电视的用户接收终端的解决方案。 dictall

This activity also broadcasted by National TV station.
这一活动还会在全国电视台播出。 alai

This is then broadcasted live to Google's website.
这是当时现场直播,以谷歌的网站。 iask.edu.sina.com.cn

We went to a TV talk show last week. And they broadcasted the program on Sunday.
我们上个星期参加了一个电视谈话节目。然后,他们在星期天播出了这个节目。 for68




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