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词汇 Brixton
释义 Brixton ˈbrɪkstən Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
n.布里克斯顿在英国;西经 0º06' 北纬 51º28'
Attendees at Mr Forrest's Brixton mosque included Richard Reid, the would- be shoe bomber, and Germaine Lindsay, one of the London suicide- bombers.
佛莱斯特先生的布莱克斯顿清真寺里的祷告者还有着理查德•雷德 Richard Reid-未来鞋子炸弹的携带者,与杰曼•林赛 Germaine Lindsay-伦敦自杀爆炸事件首犯之一。 topsage

I worked summers at BBC Radio and conducted man-on-the- street interviews during the race riots in the Brixton area of London, building on what I had learned in school.
凭着在学校中所学,夏季我为英国广播公司 BBC工作,在伦敦 Brixton区的种族骚乱中作街头随机采访。 hjenglish

Margaret Thatcher won elections after Brixton and Tottenham burned in the 1980s.
玛格丽特•撒切尔在上世纪80年代英国布利托斯顿及托特纳姆区骚乱事件发生后仍胜出选举。 ecocn

Moussaoui started to attend London's more radical mosques and was asked to leave the moderate Brixton mosque because of his talks about a jihad, or holy war, against the West.
他开始进出伦敦一些更激进的清真寺,因其谈论反西方的杰哈德和圣战,被逐出温和的布里斯顿清真寺。 yeeyan

Mr Baker was also chairman from1994 to2009 of the Brixton mosque, where Richard Reid, later known as the “ shoe bomber”, rolled out his prayer rug for a while.
1994年到2009年,贝克还曾担任布利克斯顿清真寺领袖,这家清真寺便是后来被称作“鞋子炸弹客”的 Richard Reid曾一度安安静静朝拜的地方。 ecocn

My “vox pops” training in London didn't prepare me for the job of journalism, though it did give me a sense of what to say to those “men on the street” in Brixton.
尽管伦敦的“公众舆论”训练使我在面对 Brixton街头的人们时知道该说些什么,但它并没有为我的记者工作做好准备。 hjenglish

All this, and she was still taking George his home- cooked dinners in prison, roast potatoes and gravy all the way to Brixton.
除此之外,她还坚持一路来到布里克斯顿,为乔治往监狱中带来自己做的晚餐,烤土豆和外卖。 ecocn

Lord Scarman's report into the disturbances in Brixton blamed the “ racial disadvantage that is a fact of British life”.
斯卡曼勋爵在布里克斯顿骚乱的调查中,谴责“英国生活中现实存在的种族弱势”。 topsage

Many of the areas in which rioting took place, such as Tottenham, Hackney and Brixton, are largely black.
骚乱发生的很多地区比如 Tottenham、 Hackney和 Brixton则主要是黑人。 ecocn

Now living in Brixton, South London, with no income and no right to work, the37-year-old is waiting for the Home Office to grant her asylum.
现在生活在南伦敦布里克斯顿,这位37的女性既无收入又无权工作,她正在等待内政部给与其政治避难。 yeeyan

Police in riot gear were pushing people up Brixton High Street at around 1am.
凌晨1点,装备防暴器材的警察把沿着Brixton大街驱散人群。 yeeyan

Prowse, of Brixton, south London, gave birth to a healthy son in September last year.
普劳斯,伦敦南部布里克斯顿人,已于去年九月产下一个健康的男婴。 yeeyan

The family moved to London and she attended school in Brixton until the age of14.
后来,全家移居伦敦。她直到14岁,都在布里科斯顿上学。 yeeyan

There were riot police near Brixton station, but there was no police presence in Effra Road for at least40 minutes.
布利克斯火车站是有防爆警察的,但是埃弗拉路上至少有40分钟没有警察出现。 yeeyan

Throughout the late1990s, as Moussaoui drifted between London and elsewhere, friends at the Brixton Mosque and in France say they saw a real change in him.
整个20世纪90年代后期,穆萨维在伦敦和其它地方之间来回漂泊,布里斯顿清真寺的朋友和法国的朋友都说看到了他真正的改变。 yeeyan

When England erupted in weeks of violence in 1981, the riots in Brixton, Moss Side and Toxteth left the country in a toxic stew of racial tension and mutual incomprehension.
当英国1981年爆发暴动时,来自布里斯顿、莫斯侧、托斯德的暴徒将国家置于种族紧张和信任匮乏的毒汤中。 renren

While living in London, Moussaoui attended the same Brixton mosque as shoe bomber Richard Reid.
在伦敦生活期间,穆萨维与鞋弹 Richard Reid同去布里斯顿清真寺。 yeeyan

Brixton is the iceberg tip of a crisis of ethnic criminality which is not Britain's fault— except in the sense that her rulers quite unnecessarily imported it.
布里克斯顿只是此次种族犯罪危机的冰山一角,这不是英国政府的错,统治者并不希望移民政策会引起这种副作用。 ecocn




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