

单词 深入浅出
释义 深入浅出 shēn rù qiǎn chū 常用成语
explain in everyday language results of a profound study,research etc.繁体深入淺出近义深入显出反义深文奥义;隐晦曲折正音“出”,不能读作“cū”。
俄文глубокий смысл и доступное изложение
德文mit einfachen Worten einen tiefen Sinn ausdrücken这篇文章写得深入浅出,使人爱看;易懂。联合式:作谓语;定语;状语;指讲话或文章;含褒义。清·俞樾《湖楼笔谈》六:“盖诗人用意之妙,在乎深入显出。入之不深,则有浅易之病;出之不显,则有艰涩之患。”解释: 指文章或言论内容很深刻而表达得浅显易懂。明·刘理顺《葛鼎如小草序》:“前人有云:‘博收约取,深入浅出。’夫博则涉猎者能之,约取非大解会者不能矣;深则探讨者几之,浅出则非大明白者不几矣。”


近义词 深入显出
反义词 隐晦曲折深文奥义,隐晦曲折…
她把这一理论讲得深入浅出。What she said was a useful simplification of the theory.《读者文摘》这本杂志是以能深入浅出地为成百万读者讲解而著名的。
The magazine, Reader's Digest is famous for making complicated subjects understandable to millions of readers. jukuu

The relation between strength and deformation of rock and soil is explained in simple terms. Some puzzling questions are discussed and possible explanations are given. ilib

This course is divided into theories and cases, easily understood, making each participant be able to control the mystery system alignment! hicoo

This book explains the profound in simple language, easy to understand, is each accurate mother's good reading material. hicoo

This book content explains the profound in simple language, the language is easy to understand, suits the general populations to read the use, is also a medical worker's fast browsing handbook. hicoo

This paper introduces the principle of the average value in detail with simple words. cnki

对利用 CAL命令进行计算及绘制图形的方法与技巧进行了深入浅出的详细介绍。
It gives a detailed introduction on the method and technique of using the CAL command to calculate and draw graphics in simple terms. cnki

It talks about grammar in detail to help readers solve puzzles effectively. hicoo

He tells the history of Myanmar from ancient times in an accessible and engaging way. ecocn

He teaches step by step, has a simple but profound teaching attitude, and has brought great encouragement and confidence to every student, especially beginners. zhuoyuebbs

This article has expounded, in simple language, the significance of health and scientific health care to human life. chemyq

This dialogue tackles with the economic and social benefits of periodicals and points out the best method of periodical management which is the knowledge reorganizing. hicoo

I watch TV every day comment on the news, in particular, need to listen carefully to use the guide icon on the complicated issue made into in-depth analysis. hicoo

We look forward to deep questions explored in simple terms, each piece content- rich without being murky. yeeyan

These are in-depth explanations of certain rules that experienced players may find interesting and helpful. hicoo

This article across-the-abroad explains the basic theory of TV Art in a simple way according to its practice. It also defines and expounds the related concepts of Television Art. sinoss

This is a very good article. Thanks to the author for explaining the difficult topic of China's current new energy development problems in simple terms. chinadialogue

知识深入浅出,使同学们在欢笑中掌握了当前 IT发展的动向。
The profound knowledge explained in simple language that causes schoolmates to grasp the current IT development trend in laughing heartily. hicoo

Given the opportunity to study a revolution in real time, Mr. Gerth has produced a brief but in-depth survey of the Chinese consumer culture that developed over the last three decades. yeeyan

The principle of conversion technology, control mode and the application of conversion technology in household appliances are analysed and introduced. cnki




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