

单词 British Pound
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the basic unit of money in Great Britain and Northern Ireland; equal to 100 pence 近义词 pound磅quid供咀嚼的烟草块…pound sterling英镑英国货币…
At that time theBritish poundexchanged for $2.80.那时一英镑可以兑换2.;80美元
At that time theBritish poundexchanged for$2.80.那时一英镑可以兑换2。80美元
The value of theBritish poundis less than it was 100 years ago.现在英镑的价值比一百年前的低。
While the dollar was weak, theBritish poundwas even weaker.尽管美元很疲弱,英镑却是有过之而无不及。
Margin deposits may be made in British Pound, Euro or US Dollar or such other currency as we may agree with you.保证金可以以英镑、欧元或美元或本公司与贵客户约定之其它货币作存款。
Four kinds of foreign currencies can be handled here. They are US Dollar, British Pound, Euro and Japanese Yen.我们办理四种外币:美元、英镑、欧元和日元。 And so has the Japanese yen, the British pound and most every other currency you have heard of.
日元,英镑及你所听过的绝大多数货币均是如此。 yeeyan

Instead, both the US Dollar and Japanese Yen soared against other major currencies, particularly the British Pound and Canadian Dollar, as world investors sought safe havens.
相映成趣的是,美元和日元较其他主要货币,尤其是英镑和加拿大元,大幅升水。这主要是由于全球投资者都在寻找避风港的缘故。 yeeyan

The dollar, which like the yen has recently been gaining against rival currencies, climbed against the euro and the British pound.
与日圆一样,美元兑其他主要货币的汇率近来也不断攀升,兑欧元和英镑都有上扬。 ebigear

The British pound, the Japanese yen and the Swiss franc remain minor reserve currencies, as those countries are not major powers.
英镑,日元,瑞士法郎都只是小型储备货币,就像这些国家都不是主要强国一样。 yeeyan

The British pound, Swedish krona, Swiss franc and Canadian dollar are also trading well above their burger benchmark.
英镑,瑞典克朗,瑞士法郎和加拿大元的汇率同样也是高于其汉堡包基准。 ecocn

Throughout the 2000s there was a lot of cross-border shopping, almost all of it one-way, since usually in those years the euro was strong and the British pound weak.
廿一世纪头十年,欧元坚挺,英镑疲软,爱尔兰的跨境购物几乎全是单向的,且依然盛行。 ecocn

“Funding” currencies such as the Swiss franc and Japanese yen rallied strongly against higher yielding currencies such as the Australian and New Zealand dollars and the British pound.
瑞士法郎和日元等“低息”货币兑诸如澳币、新西兰元和英镑之类的高息货币大幅升值。 blog.sina.com.cn

After particularly weak U. K. manufacturing data, the Aussie dollar rose to its highest rate against the British pound since1985.
在英国制造业数据特别疲弱之后,澳元兑英镑创1985年以来新高。 yeeyan

Currencies and commodities: The dollar rose against the euro, the Japanese yen and the British pound.
货币和商品:美元对欧元、日元和英镑的汇率均上升。 yeeyan

Doubts were even raised (and remain about the wisdom of holding the British pound and the Swiss franc, which each account for a small share of global foreign- exchange reserves.
持有英镑和瑞士法郎是否明智一度遭到质疑目前仍存质疑,这两种货币在全球外汇储备中所占份额甚小。 ecocn

London, estimated at26 percent more expensive than New York, climbed three spots to second place on a strengthening British pound and steep rental prices.
伦敦的生活成本比纽约高约26%,由于英镑不断升值及房租过高,伦敦连攀三个榜位,升至第二。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Some Europeans suspect this has been happening with the British pound.
一些欧洲国家怀疑,英镑已经这样做了。 ecocn

The euro, despite its troubles, continues to be expensive when compared with many other rich-world currencies, though the British pound is trading close to its fair value.
欧元虽然麻烦连连,但和其它很多富国的货币比起来,仍然很贵。但是英镑的交易价却是接近其公平价格。 ecocn

While the dollar was weak, the British pound was even weaker.
尽管美元很疲弱,英镑却是有过之而无不及。 iciba




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