

单词 Britannica
释义 Britannica brəˈtænɪkə 高COCA²⁰⁸⁶⁷⁷BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
Immediately Britannica became one of the most- trafficked sites on the Web, as people came through in search of factual certainty.
人们蜂拥而至,来这里搜寻权威信息。不列颠突然变成网络上最拥挤的一个站点。 yeeyan

In the edition of an Encyclopaedia Britannica published in1934, the definition of“ mother” is this: “ Woman who looks after children.”
1934年出版的《大英百科全书》给“母亲”下了定义:“照看孩子的妇女。” yeeyan

Institutions like Wikipedia and Linux are examples of social production that involve very different roles for leaders than do their traditional counterparts, Encyclopedia Britannica and Microsoft.
与《大英百科全书》和微软公司这类传统组织相比,维基百科和 Linux之类的组织就是涉及完全不同领导角色的社会协作的产物。 yeeyan

It’s not as embarrassing to botch a basic scientific fact, if you can say that you were misled by an incorrect entry in the Encyclopedia Britannica.
弄错一个基本的科学事实也没什么可尴尬的,你大可以说你被大英百科全书中的某个错误条目误导了。 yeeyan

What people sometimes forget is that citing Encyclopaedia Britannica in an academic paper is not what students should be doing, either.
在学术论文中人们常常忘记引用《大英百科全书》,学生们也是。 yeeyan

As it turns out, these institutions couldn’t have been more wrong. Europeana launched on the20th of November, and, like Britannica before it, almost immediately crashed.
结果你猜怎么样,这些文化机构都想错了: Europeana在11月20号上线后,就象之前的大不列颠一样,几乎是瞬间就崩溃了。 yeeyan

By very short time, Wikipedia surpassed Britannica as the biggest encyclopedia while ensuring similar veracity.
通过这种方法,维基百科的词条量很快远远超过了大英百科全书,而准确率却不相上下。 blog.sina.com.cn

Encyclopedia Britannica ordered some more servers, and installed a bigger pipe to the Internet, and within a few weeks was back in business.
后来,不列颠百科丛书多设了几个服务器,并安装了更大的网络通道。几个星期之后一切又恢复了正常。 yeeyan

He led the project to translate the Encyclopedia Britannica into Mongolian and was jailed by the Russians, whom he clearly does not like.
他曾经领导了一个把《大英百科全书》译成蒙古语的项目,并且被他非常反感的俄罗斯当局监禁。 yeeyan

I am assuming you haven't loaded the Encyclopedia Britannica into the memory.
我认为你们不会下载,大英百科全书到存储器里。 v.163.com

I am assuming you haven't loaded the Encyclopedia Britannica into the memory.

If you change browsers or access Britannica Online Traditional Chinese Edition from another workstation, you will need return to this page and log in again.
假如您更换浏览器或是使用它台工作站读取大英百科全书线上繁体中文版,您将需要重回此网页并重新登入。 iciba

In 1985, he translated the Encyclopaedia Britannica into Chinese and then worked on the second edition— placing him in a position to notice the U-turns in China's official line.
1985年,他将不列颠百科全书译成中文,并出了第二版,这让他注意到了中国官方路线的大转变。 yeeyan

Many sites, including the online version of the Encyclopedia Britannica, display the seal.
很多网站,包括大英百科全书的在线版都展示了这个标志。 yeeyan

Singer Lao Lang said recently that his good friend Gao Xiaosong used his time in prison to read Encyclopedia Britannica, the Chengdu Economic Daily reported.
据《成都商报》报道,歌手老狼近日在活动中透露,好友高晓松在监狱中读《大英百科全书》度日。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

So researchers at Harvard, along with Google, Encyclopedia Britannica, and the American Heritage Dictionary, have come up with a new tool.
因此哈佛研究员和谷歌、大不列颠百科全书以及美国传统词典一起提供了一个新工具。 yeeyan

The documentation for. Net is, no joke, bigger than the Encyclopedia Britannica.
一点儿也不开玩笑,. NET的文档比《大英百科全书》还要厚。 infoq

This student was suitably shocked and outraged to find its title transformed into A wife in the Night in Watt's Bibliotheca Britannica.
当该学生发现在瓦特的《大英百科书目》中该标题变成了《夜晚的妻子》,他有理由感到震惊和愤怒。 yuloo

Watch carefully: over the next decade we’ll see the somewhat drawn out death of Britannica as it becomes ever less relevant in a Wikipedia- dominated landscape.
大家都要好好观察:下一个十年我们就会看到:在 wiki统治的百科书领域里,不列颠那有点苟延残喘的境况了。 yeeyan

Wikipedia has over15 million articles… studies show it’s more accurate than Encyclopedia Britannica…78% of these articles are non- English.
维基百科有超过1500百万文章,研究表明它比大英百科全书还要准确,78%维基文章是非英语编辑的。 yeeyan

Yet, somehow, despite having one of the busiest websites in the world, Britannica lost money.
然而,不知怎么的,尽管不列颠是世界上最繁荣的站点之一,却亏钱了。 yeeyan




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