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bris·tle 英ˈbrɪsəl美ˈbrɪsəlAHDbrĭsʹəl ★☆☆☆☆高四六GS宝4八COCA¹⁶⁵⁴⁰BNC⁴⁸⁹⁵⁸iWeb¹²⁷⁰¹Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺⁴ 基本双解英英词源搭配短语记法近义反义句型例句Thesaurus例句 n.刚毛²⁹;猪鬃⁴²v.生气⁷;直立²²复数bristles过去分词bristled现在分词bristling三单bristles 发怒愤怒毛发
n.名词 C短而硬的毛发,刷子毛short stiff hair v.动词 vi. 被激怒,怒发冲冠;毛发因惊惧等直立of an animal's hair or fur stand up stiffly e.g. because of anger,distrust,etc. Noun: a stiff fiber coarse hair or filament; natural or synthetica stiff hair Verb: be in a state of movement or action;The room abounded with screaming children The garden bristled with toddlers rise up as in fear;The dog's fur bristled It was a sight to make one's hair uprise! have or be thickly covered with or as if with bristles;bristling leaves react in an offended or angry manner;He bristled at her suggestion that he should teach her how to use the program 发音释义:'brɪsəl n.鬃毛;刚毛;短而硬的毛;胡子茬v.使发怒;使毛发直立 词源解释:来自古英语byrst鬃毛 助记窍门:bristle→brush style刷子的发型→短而硬的毛→鬃毛 衍生词:bristling竖立的、发怒的;bristly有刚毛的、易怒的genal bristle颊鬃nasal bristle鼻须鸟discal bristle腹背鬃natural bristle天然鬃毛nylon bristle尼龙毛刷interfrontal bristle额间鬃feathered bristle羽状须facial bristle颜鬃postorbital bristle眶后鬃bristle brush鬃毛画笔marginal bristle腹缘鬃cruciate bristle下颜鬃supplementary bristle副须鸟distal bristle端鬃artificial bristle人造鬃丝tactile bristle触觉刚毛spinning bristle纺绩鬃纺足目…occipital bristle后头鬃bristle organ刚毛器官bristle with密集, 充满, 被布… 用作动词v. bristle with v.+prep.
密集,充满contain a large number of sb/sth bristle with sb/sthIt was a Sunday afternoon and the street was bristled with people.那是一个周日的下午,街上挤满了人。钱博士brist尖刺+le指小名词后缀→小尖刺⇒刚毛,鬃毛,粗硬短须 词源解释来自英国人本族语属于日耳曼语。 应用实例日常生活中常用的毛刷通常都是用猪的鬃毛做成的,英语中就叫做bristle猪鬃刷。bristle还可以转作动词,常和up连用,表示动物由于愤怒或恐惧而竖起毛发,还可以比喻人由于愤怒而绷直身体,相当于中文的“怒发冲冠”。GRE红宝书b不, ris = rise升起, tle读: 头. 不擡头, 豪猪的毛竪起来的时候是不擡头的. beast 的brush 头;brutal 野蛮般长有毛;breast 头→胸膛象头一样,长着许多毛发,胸毛外国男人很多都有胸毛比较记忆brittleadj.易碎的;gristlen.软骨;castlen.城堡GRE难词记忆bristle→brittle a.脆弱的,硬而易碎的→近义词 brim边thorn刺resent恨hair头发rise上升teem充满cock雄禽needle针spine脊柱spike长钉quill羽茎burst爆发hackle梳理recoil退却object物体uprise升起abound富于stubble短须stand up起立stiffen使 … 坚硬 用作名词n.His chin was covered withbristles.他的下巴长满胡子茬。 The brush is made of animalbristles.刷子是用动物的鬃毛制成的。用作动词v. 用作不及物动词 S+~+AThe dog's hair bristled when the visitors came to the door.当来访者走近大门时,那条狗的毛都竖起来了。 They bristled at his denigrating description of their activities.听到他在污蔑他们的活动他们都怒发冲冠。 动词74%,名词26% 用作名词His chin was covered withbristles.他的下巴上长满了胡子茬。 The brush is made of animalbristles.刷子是用动物的鬃毛制造的。 China'sbristlecontinued to enjoy a large sale in the international market.中国猪鬃在国际市场上继续大量销售。用作动词A few authorsbristlewhen asked the inevitable question about how they write.当被问及他们如何写作的时候,有几个作家难掩怒气。 Shebristledwith anger at the mention of his name.她一听到他的名字便气得毛发倒竖。 He was so frightened that his hair seemed tobristle.他是如此地震惊,以至于头发似乎都竖立起来。noun.short, prickly hair 同义词 barb,feeler,fiber,point,prickle,quill,spine,stubble,thorn,vibrissa,whiskerverb.become upset, excited 同义词 bridle,fume,seetheboil,flare,rage,rise,ruffle,spit,swellbe angry,be infuriated,be maddened,blow up,boil over,flare up,get one's dander up,see red,stand on end angerverb make someone mad;become mad acerbate,affront,aggravate,agitate,annoy,antagonize,arouse,bait,blow up,boil,boil over,burn,burn up,chafe,craze,cross,displease,egg on,embitter,enrage,exacerbate,exasperate,excite,fret,gall,get mad,get on one's nerves,goad,incense,inflame,infuriate,irritate,lose one's temper,madden,make sore,miff,nettle,offend,outrage,pique,provoke,raise hell,rankle,rant,rave,rile,ruffle,seethe,steam up,stew,stir up,tempt,umbrage,vex angeringverb make someone mad;become mad acerbating,affronting,aggravating,agitating,annoying,antagonizing,arousing,baiting,blowing up,boiling,boiling over,bristling,burning,burning up,chafing,crazing,crossing,displeasing,egg on,embittering,enraging,exacerbating,exasperating,exciting,fretting,galling,getting mad,getting on one's nerves,goading,incensing,inflaming,infuriating,irritating,losing one's temper,maddening,making sore,miffing,nettling,offending,outraging,piquing,provoking,raising hell,rankling,ranting,raving,riling,ruffling,seething,steaming up,stewing,stirring up,tempting,umbraging,vexing angersverb make someone mad;become mad acerbates,affronts,aggravates,agitates,annoys,antagonizes,arouses,baits,blows up,boils,boils over,bristles,burns,burns up,chafes,crazes,crosses,displeases,egg on,embitters,enrages,exacerbates,exasperates,excites,frets,galls,gets mad,gets on one's nerves,goads,incenses,inflames,infuriates,irritates,loses one's temper,maddens,makes sore,miffs,nettles,offends,outrages,piques,provokes,raises hell,rankles,rants,raves,riles,ruffles,seethes,steams up,stews,stirs up,tempts,umbrages,vexes barbnoun point arrow,bristle,dart,prickle,prong,quill,shaft,spike,spur,thistle,thorn boilverb be angry be indignant,blow up,bristle,burn,flare,foam at the mouth,fulminate,fume,rage,rave,sputter,storm burnverb be excited about;yearn for be angry,be aroused,be inflamed,be passionate,be stirred up,blaze,boil,breathe fire,bristle,desire,eat up,fume,lust,rage,seethe,simmer,smoulder,tingle,yearn DEPRIVED of pen and ink in Hungary's Stalinist concentration camp, Gyorgy Faludy used a broom- bristle to write in blood on toilet paper. 纵使笔墨悉数被禁、纵使身陷匈牙利某个斯大林式的集中营,乔治-法鲁迪仍然笔耕不辍:他以帚条作笔、鲜血化墨、厕纸为本。 ecocn So, of course, theoreticians bristle. 当然,理论家不高兴了。163 The politically correct will bristle at Mr Ferguson’s defence of empire— though he does not shy from its enormities. 尽管弗格森对西方帝国的辩护并没有回避他们的暴行,但他依然将直面政治上的纠正。 ecocn A few authors bristle when asked the inevitable question about how they write. 当被问及他们如何写作的时候,有几个作家难掩怒气。 iciba A bristle of a paintbrush left stranded in a painting. The uneven glaze of a Japanese ceramic cup. 一块木头上的纹理,一幅画布中残留着画笔上掉下来的猪鬃,一个日本陶瓷杯上没有抚平整的釉。 yeeyan Although feminists may bristle at this demonstration that language perspectives retain a built-in social bias, it’s not all bad. 虽然语言视角中残留的根深蒂固的社会偏见可能会激怒女权主义者,但这并不完全是坏事。 yeeyan August was once a time when City's supporters would get together, bristle with indignity, and complain bitterly about how much money the dreaded enemy, Manchester United, were spending. 以前的八月份,曼城球迷都会聚集在一起,带着轻蔑不屑,却又痛苦地抱怨他们的死敌曼联化了多少钱。 yeeyan But GE might bristle at the prospect of refrigerators and ovens carrying its logo after it exits the market. 但是退出这个市场后, GE也许不高兴在电冰箱和微波炉上印有自己的标志。 yeeyan Employees might bristle at the thought of managers monitoring calls. 雇员可能会对管理层实施电话监控的想法产生不满。 www.chinadaily.com.cn Many seem to bristle at the idea of government officials, who in China are often assumed corrupt until proven otherwise, labeling other people uncivilized. 很多人对政府官员的这种想法很气愤,在中国,官员们经常被假定为腐败,给其他的人民贴上不文明的标签。 hjenglish Many single women bristle at the stereotypes. The problem, some say, is a dearth of worthy bachelors. 很多单身女孩不喜欢这个称呼。有些人说,问题在于靠谱的单身汉太少。 yeeyan Officials in Delhi bristle at any comparison between the year's events and Bloody Sunday in Northern Ireland or the unrest in neighbouring Tibet. 德里的官员对于任何将这些年来的冲突事件及由此造成的伤亡与北爱尔兰血色星期天或者邻近的西藏作比较的做法感到怒不可遏。 ecocn Officials bristle at comparisons between Punjab, which is moderately well run, and the lawless tribal areas. 将运转尚可的旁遮普省和毫无法纪的部落地区相提并论使得官员们十分恼火。 ecocn Pakistanis bristle at what they see as growing Indian influence in Afghanistan, and some contend that India funds anti- Pakistan Taliban factions responsible for terrorist bombings. 巴基斯坦人对印度在阿富汗影响力增强大为光火,一些人认为印度在资助反巴基斯坦的塔利班-那些实行恐怖爆炸袭击的塔利班派系。 yeeyan Scope of business: bristle, sulphur, plastic products. 经营范围:猪鬃、硫磺、塑料制品。 www.chinainvest.com.cn Senior police officers continued to bristle at government criticism that they reacted poorly to the disorder. 高级警官们依然对政府对他们的对骚乱反应不力的指责感到愤怒。 ecocn Such disdain may have made the moustaches of the Pakistani Rangers bristle. 这种蔑视可能已经挑起了巴基斯坦巡逻兵的怒火。 ecocn The politically correct will bristle at Mr Ferguson's defence of empire- though he does not shy from its enormities. 在政治层面上的纠正将激怒费格斯先生,尽管他不会为西方世界的恶行感到羞愧。 ecocn You may have a penchant for scrubbing your teeth with a stiff- bristle toothbrush; however, this habit can be tough on teeth and gums. 有些人喜欢用硬毛牙刷来刷牙,但这种习惯会损伤牙齿和牙龈。 yeeyan You bristle at the slightest hint that your work wasn't perfect- even when the hint is imagined. 任何关于你工作不够完美的微小暗示都令你怒发冲冠,甚至这种暗示是你想象出来的。 yeeyan |