释义 |
洛杉矶 Luò Shān Jī 基本例句 Los AngelesL.A.繁体洛杉磯他将访问洛杉矶,是为了业务或游乐?Are you going to visitLos Angeleson business or for pleasure? 佛罗伦萨美国加利福尼亚州南部一尚未合并的社区,洛杉矶的居住郊区及制造工业区。人口38,000An unincorporated community of southern California, a residential and manufacturing suburb ofLos Angeles. Population,38,000. 我出生于东部,但现在住在洛杉矶。I was born in the east, but now live inLos Angeles. 我在三十岁时从洛杉矶搬到旧金山。I moved fromLos Angelesto San Francisco at the age of thirty. |