词汇 | 洗耳恭听 |
释义 | 洗耳恭听 法文prêter une oreille attentive 俄文внимáтельно и почтите льно слушать 当时尧还以为许由谦虚,更加敬重,便又派人去请他,说:“如果坚不接受帝位,则希望能出来当个“九州长”。不料许由听了这个消息,更加厌恶,立刻跑到山下的颖水边去,掬水洗耳。 许由的朋友巢父也隐居在这里,这时正巧牵着一条小牛来给它饮水,便问许由干什么。许由就把消息告诉他,并且说:“我听了这样的不干净的话,怎能不赶快洗洗我清白的耳朵呢!”,巢父听了,冷笑一声说道:“哼,谁叫你在外面招摇,造成名声,现在惹出麻烦来了,完全是你自讨的,还洗耳恭听什么耳朵!算了吧,别沾污了我小牛的嘴!”,说着,牵起小牛,径自走向水流的上游去了。 据《巢县志》记载,古巢城东城门有一方池叫“洗耳池”,池边有一条巷叫牵牛巷。相传5000年前,巢父在池边牵牛饮水时,批评一代圣贤许由“浮游于世,贪求圣名”,许由自惭不已,立即用池中清水洗耳;拭双目,表示愿听从巢父忠告。后人为颂扬许由知错就改的美德,遂将该方池取名为“洗耳池”,成语“洗耳恭听”的典故也由此产生。 【注意】❶常作为请别人讲话时说的客套话。❷有时含诙谐意味。 反义词 “ I'm all ears, ” he said. Valuable information can be yours if you listen to those with experience. When an analyst flags an issue, you can assume that the target company’s investors are pressuring management to resolve it—and that proposals that address the issue will get a hearing. Got any thoughts on this one? I'm all ears. Tell me your story, I‘m all ears。 Gordon: Tell me what it is. I'm all ears. It can be exhausting to have a conversation with the discounter, so eventually you end up giving in and deciding to just listen. On the deficit he said, We’ve got to collect taxes to eliminate it, but if anyone had a better idea, I’m all ears. What a wonderful thing it would be to visit your own funeral, to sit up at the front, and hear what was said. You sounded like you've made a decision when you called me. I'm all ears. Do you have anything to say? We are all ears. Huh, I'd listen to you with all my ears. Tell me a little more. I'm listening. Please tell me, I'm all ears. If you want to say something to me, I'm all ears. Go on. I’m all ears. He says his ears are open, and he is ready to listen. He had been a federal judge before coming to the Senate, and would be a big personality on the Court, someone who could move votes and whose voice would be heard, even in dissent. She was talkative, but since she seemed inclined to talk about me, I was prepared to be an attentive listener. I was all ears and soaked every word in like a sponge. We're all ears: let us know what you'd like to see. Believe me, I am all ears! The president called the result a“ shellacking” and vowed to listen to the concerns of US voters. Siyu listened, knowing that the older woman was talking about herself, knowing also that both of them would pretend to have forgotten the conversation after that night. No idea is too outrageous to receive a hearing. Show them that inequality has bad results, and they are likelier to sit up and listen. |
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