

单词 bringing into
释义 bringing into短语⁷²²¹⁶
Cutting boards, dishes, utensils, and counter tops should be washed with hot soapy water and sanitized after bringing into contact with fresh produce, raw meat poultry, or seafood.
砧板,餐具,用具,和顶部与新鲜产品、生肉、家禽、或海鲜接触应用热肥皂水清洗和消毒。 yeeyan

It is a crucial task for rural credit cooperatives to constantly press ahead with the building of new socialist rural areas by bringing into full play the leading role of rural finance.
发挥农村金融主力军作用,推进社会主义新农村建设,是农村信用社面临的一项重要任务。 cnki

Supervisors from the staff have been elected, increasing the capacity and bringing into full play the board of supervisors.
补选了职工监事,充实监事会力量,充分发挥监事会的职能作用。 blog.sina.com.cn

The border trade is playing a special role in the Northeast revitalizing as a way of foreign trade, but its energy is still far from bringing into full play.
边境贸易作为对外贸易的一种方式在东北振兴中发挥着特殊的作用,但其作用还远远没有发挥出来。 cnki

The seismic attributes have been bringing into play more and more in petroleum exploration and development.
地震属性在油气勘探开发中发挥着越来越大的作用。 chemyq

The work of education supervision has developed for about20 years but there exist certain factors that are unfavorable for bringing into play the roles of education supervision.
我国经过20多年的努力,教育督导工作得到了较快发展,但在前进的途程中仍存在不利于发挥教育督导效用的因素。 cnki

And all of the people that I'm dealing with, bringing into the conference are the super geeks, mostly the architects that have actually created the technology.
并且,参与会议的所有人员都是非常厉害的专家,并且大部分是实际创建技术的架构师。 ibm

As an important power, Small&Medium- sized EnterprisesSMEs are bringing into play a more and more important role.
中小企业作为市场经济的一支重要力量,已经在国际市场上发挥着越来越重要的作用。 fabiao

Commander keeps this power while bringing into the IDE in an intelligent manner.
Commander保持了这种能力,并以智能化的方式将其包含在 IDE中。 infoq

Enrich your relationship by bringing into it new interests from outside the relationship.
通过从婚姻关系外部引进新的兴趣来充实你的婚姻关系。 shthc.org

It is of significance for bringing into play the lightning information analysis display terminal system fully as well as advancing level of secure, economic and reliable operation.
这对充分发挥雷电信息分析显示终端的作用,提高电力系统的安全、经济、可靠运行水平,具有重要意义。 cnki

Marriage is certainly a gamble so is the bringing into existence of children, who could prove sad liabilities.
结婚无疑是一次赌博,生养孩子也是如此,因为孩子可能让可怜的父母背上沉重的负担。 blog.sina.com.cn

Our community and our leaders need to look for ways in which we can contribute more to the national agenda by bringing into play our experience, skills and international outlook.
我们的领袖和社会各界,必须想方设法,凭借自己的经验专长和国际视野,为国家的发展多作贡献。 putclub

Reaction ability is an important psychological index, It affects the application bringing into play their technique and tactics.
反应能力是一项重要的心理指标,它影响着散手运动员的技、战术的正确运用与发挥。 cnki

Realizing the role of mind correctly is helpful to bringing into full play the subject's creativity.
正确认识意识作用,有利于充分发挥主体创造性。 cnki

System bringing into service, and the enterprise net have realized an interconnection, have promoted conglomerate logistics administration information, have got fairly good effect.
系统投入运行,与企业网实现了互联,促进了集团公司物流管理信息化,取得了较好的效果。 chemyq

The article deals with the major contents of the Bassel Agreement and the significance and difficulties in bringing into force in China.
本文分析了巴塞尔协议的主要内容,该协议在我国实施的意义和难点。 cnki

Third, bringing into full play the role of civil society.
第三,充分发挥民间社会的作用。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

This paper expounds high school campus culture connotation and educating man function, and effective bringing into play campus culture educating man function of manner.
本文阐述了高校校园文化的内涵、育人功能及有效发挥校园文化的育人功能的方式。 cnki




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