释义 |
法兰西 Fǎ Lán Xī ★☆☆☆☆ns.地名⁰·⁰⁰⁰⁹ᴾᵃ¹¹⁴⁶² 基本例句 FranceFrench繁体法蘭西对法兰西历史掌握得很好A good grip onFrenchhistory. 波旁,查尔斯·德1490-1527神圣罗马帝国查理五世时的法国将军,领导过一次侵略法兰西遭致失败1524年,在一次领导袭击罗马城的日耳曼-西班牙战争中阵亡Frenchroyal family descended from Louis I, Duke of Bourbon, whose members have ruled inFrance, Spain, and Naples and Sicily. 马提尼克岛位于西印度群岛中向风群岛的一岛屿,是法国的海外省。1502年哥伦布发现此岛,1635年后沦为法国殖民地。首都是法兰西堡。人口328,566An island and overseas department ofFrancein the Windward Islands of the West Indies. Discovered by Columbus in1502, it was colonized byFrenchsettlers after1635. Fort-de-Franceis the capital. Population,328,566. 傻瓜送到法兰西,回国仍旧带傻气。Send a fool toFrance, and a fool he will return again. |