释义 |
治安 zhì ān ★☆☆☆☆n.名词⁰·⁰⁰¹⁷ᴾᵃ⁶⁷⁸⁴ 基本例句 law and orderpublic securitypeaceorderpoliceInternal Securitysecurity 治安官管辖权和管辖范围都小于县治安官的治安官,有权送达传票及逮捕搜查令并可以施行逮捕A peace officer with less authority and smaller jurisdiction than a sheriff, empowered to serve writs and warrants and make arrests. 政府派警方出动恢复治安。The government ordered the police out to restore order in the streets. 警方必须努力恢复治安。The police must try to restore order. |