词汇 | 汗马功劳 |
释义 | 汗马功劳 辨形“汗”,不能写作“汉”;“悍”。 辨析汗马功劳和“丰功伟绩”;都指功劳。不同在于:“丰功伟绩”指伟大的功劳和成就;仅用于赞颂少数对人民有巨大贡献的人;不用于自己;汗马功劳仅指功劳;各种场合都可以用;一般人也都能用;包括自己。 辨形“汗”,不能写作“汉”;“悍”。 辨析汗马功劳和“丰功伟绩”;都指功劳。不同在于:“丰功伟绩”指伟大的功劳和成就;仅用于赞颂少数对人民有巨大贡献的人;不用于自己;汗马功劳仅指功劳;各种场合都可以用;一般人也都能用;包括自己。 法文exploit militaireaction d'éclat 俄文боевые заслуги 《韩非子·五蠹》就有“汗马之劳”的说法。《战国策·魏策》也有:“张仪说楚曰:‘不费汗马之劳,不费十日。而拒扞关’。”扞,扞关,地名。 《史记·晋世家》叙述春秋时晋文公的一段故事时,也说过“汗马之劳”的话。晋文公,名重耳,是晋献公的儿子,所以又称公子重耳。他曾流亡国外达十九年之久,后来回国做了国君,而且称霸一时。当他回国之初,即位为晋文公时,对于随从他流亡的人员,一一论功行赏。有个小臣名叫介之推,没有提出自己有什么功劳,也不求赏赐,躲到深山里隐居起来了。另一个小臣名叫壶叙,见三次行赏都没有他的份儿,便对晋文公说:“君行三赏,赏不及臣,敢请罪!”晋文公当即把行赏的标准向他说明:“夫导我以仁义,防我以德惠,此受上赏;辅我以行,卒以成立,此受次赏;矢石箭矢炮石之难,汗马之劳,此复受次赏;若以力事我而无补我缺者,此复受次赏。三赏之后,故且及子。” 《史记·萧相国世家》和《汉书·萧何传》也有一段有关“汗马之劳”的故事。萧何是汉高祖刘邦的同乡,刘邦起兵反秦,萧何始终帮着他,筹谋划策,忠心耿耿,是刘邦最可靠的得力助手。秦亡以后,刘邦又打败了项羽,建立汉朝,做了皇帝,萧何便担任相国。刘邦认为论功劳应以萧何为第一,所以首先封他为“酂侯”酂,县名,今湖北光化县,食邑八千户。但是其余功臣多不服,他们说:“我们拼死拼命,多的经过百余战,少的也打过几十仗,而萧何未有汗马之劳,只会耍笔杆;发议论,根本没上过战场,封赏反在我们之上,这是什么道理?”刘邦问道:“你们知道打猎的事吗?”大家同声回答:“知道。”再问道:“那么你们知道猎狗吗?”又是同声回答:“知道。”刘邦于是接着说:“打猎的时候,追杀野兽的是狗,而指示野兽的住处;去向,让狗去追杀的,却是人‘夫猎,追杀兽兔者狗也,发踪指示者人也’。你们只会追杀,不过是‘功狗’而已,至于萧何,能‘发踪指示’,他才是‘功人’。而且你们多数是单身跟随我,有同族两三人一起入伍的就算难得了,可是萧何,他叫全家族的几十个男子都参加了我们的军队,跟着我一同出力。他的大功劳是怎么也不能忘记的!”大家听了,便谁也不吭气了。 【注意】含褒义。 反义词 Translated as“ storm division, ” the SA was the paramilitary organization of the Nazi Party, which played a key role in Hitler's rise to power. North Sea gas has served Britain well, but supply peaked in1999. Since then the flow has fallen by half; by 2015 it will have dropped by two-thirds. Ferguson's fury multiplied when the Swede was named Man of the Match on his debut at Wembley in the FA Charity Shield and became the defensive lynchpin of Liverpool's last title winning team. Floccari has been a leading light for Atalanta for the last two seasons and has made a name for himself with his exploits in Bergamo. Bazookas have a long range and are very destructive, they make a strong contribution in wars. Gibson made14 appearances for the Reds last season, playing an integral part in United's Carling Cup triumph. Years before, Van Buren had done much himself to elect Jackson to the White House. It is not exaggerated to say that foreign publicity has played a vital role in this regard, whose quality is significantly determined by C-E translation. United chief executive David Gill has saluted the club's talent scouts for the part they played in helping the Reds retain the title. Several members of last season's FA Youth Cup- winning side are expected to be in the squad again after featuring in the wins at Leeds and Aldershot in previous rounds. This soldier has won many medals conveying in Tibet but his wife died of child birth in his absence. He is grieving in front of her tomb. He fought many hard battles and achieved notable merits, but he remains humble in spirits. It has made great contributions to improve the images of the auto racing sport and increased the number of audiences. I recited a list of my accomplishments on behalf of the Ford Motor Company. Under normal circumstances, companies tend to favor older employees in particular, these people start to develop from the initial to a certain size has achieved a lot. This mythic, tragic film contributed to a resurgence in the American film industry, after a decade of competition from cinema abroad. China is the main distribution area of the rose- category plants, and China's wild rosebush contributes great to the modern China rose. In the15 matches in which he wore the armband under Capello, England won11 and drew two, qualifying easily for this year's World Cup. I designed this illustration to commemorate our victory of War of Resistance Against Japan. |
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