词汇 | 汗牛充栋 |
释义 | 汗牛充栋 辨形“汗”,不能写作“汉”;“充栋”,不能写作“冲动”。 辨析①汗牛充栋和“浩如烟海”;都可形容书很多。但汗牛充栋仅表示“多”;可形容著作多;书多;“浩如烟海”不仅指书多;还可形容文献;资料;诗词;生活事件的繁多。②参见“车载斗量”。。 辨形“汗”,不能写作“汉”;“充栋”,不能写作“冲动”。 辨析①汗牛充栋和“浩如烟海”;都可形容书很多。但汗牛充栋仅表示“多”;可形容著作多;书多;“浩如烟海”不仅指书多;还可形容文献;资料;诗词;生活事件的繁多。②见“车载斗量”。 《论语》中说,有一次子贡向孔子请教“天道”的问题,孔子说:“我不想说这个。”子贡说:“夫子如果不说的话,我们如何能照着去做呢?”孔子说:“天道怎么能说得清呢——四季因它而运行,万物因它而生长。天道怎么能说得清呢?”这也许是孔子不写的原因吧。 唐代柳宗元说:“自从孔子修改过《春秋》以后,给它作传的人就多起来了,当时就有五家《左传》;《公羊传》;《谷梁传》;《邹氏传》;《夹氏传》。后来历朝历代,都有成百上千的人为它们作注讲疏,写出了很多见解不一的著作。这些书堆起来能塞满屋子,运出去要使牛马都累得出汗。” 反义词 This paper wants to study the Chinese ancient geological thoughts which included in amounts of ancient original material and to find the conditions of how those thoughts and relations developing. But in the 1970s stores like Borders and Barnes & Noble applied a supermarket maxim to print: pile them high and watch them fly. There is a plethora of research literature about the diversification effect of stock portfolio overseas. An enormous literature exists on the relationship between abstract painting and atonal music, and the extensive Kandinsky- Schoenberg correspondence can be found on the Internet. Up to now nearly1500 years of pottery poetry, academic achievement can be described as voluminous. today there is a growing pile of books on Israel's high-tech boom, most notably“ Start-Up Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle”, by Dan Senor and Saul Singer. Although the research results to this problem can be described as voluminous, theoretical foundation of the educational equity study in our country is still weak. Coward turned out plays, lyrics and music in volume. Especially in anthropology, many works on theme of ethnic identity was painted. There are numerous studies on fiscal supervision in todays China, but they mainly focus on empirical and policy research and lack in theoretical research. There are too many books about probing into the article on function of aesthetic education of music education of the middle school of the academia. There are tons of studies about Song Xue before, with different views. Eternal life bedrooms, more than ten meters, containing a desk, a stool, bed and voluminous book a heap. The literature on Weimar is immense, but we could well do with a single, authoritative, jargon-free volume that pulls all the strands together. As in so many reports of this kind, the trend looks plausible, but there seems little basis for the exact numbers. These years, Li Chi's book can be described as voluminous research. But people who researched the aspect of“ City and People” were so little. The northeast of China, a hometown of Manchu, possesses enormous original materials on Manchu. China produced in its history many outstanding philosophers, thinkers, statesmen, strategists, writers and artists and left us numerous volumes of literature. |
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