

单词 briefer
释义 brief·er 英briːf美briːf ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁴⁵⁴³⁹BNC⁴⁰⁴¹⁹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

short in time


in as few words as possible


a short spoken or written statement

vt. 向…介绍基本情况,作…的摘要

give a lawyer some work to do for oneself by giving him the information which he may need

a document stating the facts and points of law of a client's casea condensed written summary or abstract
of short duration or distance;

a brief stay in the country

concise and succinct;

covered the matter in a brief statement

of clothing very short;

an abbreviated swimsuit

a brief bikini

give essential information to someone;

The reporters were briefed about the President's plan to invade

brief, short

这两个词的共同意思是“短的”。其区别在于:brief着重指时间、言谈、篇幅等“短暂”“简短”; short是普通用词,泛指各种“短”。例如:

My acquaintance with him was brief.我与他相识的时间不长。
I went on a short trip.我作短暂的旅行。brief,concise,compact





用作形容词 adj.
~+名词brief hope暂时的希望brief letter of thanks简短的感谢信brief note便条brief resume简历用作名词 n.动词+~draw up a brief草拟诉讼要点file a brief提出诉讼要点,提出辩护hold no brief for不为…辩护,不主张介词+~in brief简言之,以简单扼要的形式用作动词 v.~+介词brief sb about向某人介绍,向某人作简报brief sb on向某人介绍,向某人作简报
用作形容词adj.in brief

简言之in a few words; without details

to be brief

简言之in a few words; without details

近义词 terseadj. shortsummaryv. informconcisen. outline反义词 extensiveadj. comprehensive
~+ n.She had time to give a brief report.她有时间做一个简短的报告。
There was a brief pause in the conversation.对话中有短暂的停顿。
She wears a brief skirt.她穿着一件短裙。
S+be+~Life is brief.人生短暂。
Time is limited, please be brief.时间有限,请讲得简洁些。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseHe's brief of speech.他的话简短扼要。
You were very brief with him just now.你刚才对他太生硬。
S+V+O+~He made his speech as brief as possible.他使他的发言尽可能简短。用作名词n.To begin with,I'd like to tell in brief the importance of the work.首先,我想简要谈谈这项工作的重要性。
The new minister's brief is to insure that the water supply is improved.新部长指示要确定改进供水状况。用作动词v.
S+~+sb+on sthShe briefed me on the case.她向我简要说明了这个案子。
He briefed her on her job.他对她的工作作了必要的指点。
President was briefed by his advisers before the interview.总统在接受采访前得到顾问们的资讯。
He was fully briefed on the problem before the meeting.他在会前已掌握了这个问题的详尽资料。



用作形容词There was abriefpause in the conversation.对话中有短暂的停顿。
We have a tight schedule for yourbriefvisit. I hope you don't mind.对您短暂的访问,我们为您安排的日程很紧,希望您不介意。
In the beginning, the teacher gave us abriefintroduction about the subject.开始时,老师给我们做了关于这门课程的简短介绍。
I don't want to keep you long, so let me bebrief.我不想浪费大家的时间,就简明扼要地讲几句吧。用作名词He drew up abrieffor his speech.他起草了一份讲话的摘要。
The lawyers declared on a courtbriefthat they will argue Mr. Brown's innocence by reason of insanity.律师们在呈交法庭的辩护状上声明,他们将以神经错乱为由为布朗先生作无罪辩护。用作及物动词The chairman willbriefthe Board on the most recent developments.主席将向董事会概述最近的发展。
I'd like to ask Mr. Dean tobriefus on the situation.现在由院长先生来简单介绍一下形势。as in.shorter
同义词 curtailed,diminished,less,lessened,lower,more concise,reduced
反义词 higher,longer,taller
shorteradjective smaller
curtailed,diminished,less,lessened,lower,more concise,reduced Current India's hold on the different subcontinent territories is even briefer.
而印度统治它位于印度次大陆上的领土的时间甚至比美国还要短。 forum.china.com.cn

His briefer record as prime minister since June 2007 will come under scrutiny too.
自从2007年成为首相后的简短履历也会受到审查。 ecocn

In Shenzhen plans are afoot to create a new exchange for smaller companies with briefer operating histories.
深圳正计划成立一个新的交易所,针对成立时间较短的小型企业。 ecocn

“ The sense that we have here is that videos have become briefer, ” said John Lynch, director of the Vanderbilt Television News Archive.
“我们的感觉是,视频已经成了要点摘录。” 《范德比尔特电视新闻档案》的导演约翰·林奇说。 yeeyan

Although he was always the “ background” briefer on foreign policy issues, he could never by identified as anything other than “ a White House official” or“ a high Administration source”.
虽然外交问题的“背景情况”总是由他介绍,但他仍只能称为是“一位白宫官员”或“一位政府高级人士”。 blog.sina.com.cn

Director of the Central Intelligence later Director of the National Intelligence would come in, and bring a briefer.

Go with a briefer alternative that moves you toward something real.
去写一个简明的替代文档,以此引导你去做那些真正的事。 yeeyan

His team chooses to include explanations of different releases in this description, which means his chance to explain the benefits of Springpad becomes even briefer.
而他的团队需要把不同版本的说明包含于介绍中,这意味着他只能用很精简的方式解析 Springpad的优点。 cnbeta

If you've been fired or laid off and want to let you co-workers know you're leaving, and you still have email access, you can send an even briefer email letter.
如果你是被开除的,要通知你的同事你要离职了,也可以通过邮件的方式,你可以给他们发一封简短的邮件。 hjenglish

Next, We give a briefer proof that uses the concept of homotopy of curves, In this course of the proof, we don't use the theorem of Jordan Curves.
其次给出一个不用约当曲线定理而仅用同伦曲线概念的更为简洁的证法。 cnki

Thanks to this law, we know that a planet relatively close to the sun, like Venus, has a far briefer orbital period than a distant planet, such as Neptune.
正因为了有这条定律,我们才能得知例如金星这样离日相对较近的行星的公转周期要短于离日较远的行星,例如海王星。 yeeyan

The next step will be to develop a briefer dementia risk checklist, Barnes told Psychiatric News.
下一步将会是发展更简明的痴呆风险检查表, Bames告诉《精神病学新闻》。 yeeyan

Your book“ The Universe in a Nutshell” and“A Briefer History of Time” are wonderful books, they really stimulated my mind and interest in Cosmology.
亲爱的霍金教授:你的书“果壳中的宇宙”和“时间简史”的奇书,他们真正刺激我的头脑和宇宙学的兴趣。 rlsafe




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