

单词 briefcase
释义 brief·case 英ˈbriːfˌkeɪs美ˈbrifˌkesAHDbrēfʹkās' ★☆☆☆☆高六研I四八COCA¹⁰⁵¹⁰BNC¹³³²⁷iWeb¹⁶²⁹⁵Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺


a flat usually soft leather case for papers

a case with a handle; for carrying papers or files or books词根词缀:brev- 短, v←→ f, brief 简短 + case 箱,盒故事记忆法老古墓咒语:骚扰法老安宁者,将不得善报。有这么一件 Case事情在古墓里的 Base基础发现一件 Briefcase公事包里面还有个 Vase花瓶上面刻着些 Phrase短语谁都无法来 Erase擦掉故事记忆有这么一件 Case事情在古墓里的 Base基础发现一件 Briefcase公事包里面还有个 Vase花瓶上面刻着些 Phrase短语谁都无法来 Erase擦掉非常记忆brief简洁的+case箱子⇒简洁的箱子才是公文包钱博士brief简报+case箱子→放简报的小箱子⇒公文包组合词brief简捷的+case手提箱→简捷的手提箱→公文包组合词brief摘要+case容器→存放摘要的容器→公文包组合词brief摘要+case包,箱→装摘要的包→公文包brief大纲+case箱→用来装大纲文件的箱子⇒公文包近义词 bag袋case例子folder文件夹portfolio文件夹music case乐谱夹
用作名词n.He requested the old man to look after thebriefcase.他请求老人照看这个公文包。
用作名词He put all the files into hisbriefcase.他将所有文件都装进公文包。
No one told me about anybriefcase.没有人和我提过什么公文包。noun.carrier for work papers
同义词 bag,baggage,foldercase,dispatch,portfolio,valiseattaché
attaché casenoun businessperson's carryall
attaché,dispatch case
bagnoun container for one's possessions
portfolionoun flat case for transporting papers
attaché case,bag,brief bag,briefcase,case,container,envelope,folder,notebook,valise
portfoliosnoun flat case for transporting papers
attaché cases,bags,brief bags,briefcases,cases,containers,envelopes,folders,notebooks,valises
satchelnoun small bag
attaché,backpack,briefcase,carry-on,carryall,duffel bag,garment bag,handbag,haversack,knapsack,overnight bag,pack,pouch,rucksack,saddlebag,suitcase,tote,travel bag
satchelsnoun small bag
attaché,backpack,briefcase,carry-on,carryall,duffel bag,garment bag,handbag,haversack,knapsack,overnight bag,pack,pouch,rucksack,saddlebag,suitcase,tote,travel bag And a briefcase made of recycled metals.
一个用金属圈做成的公文包。 yeeyan

Here in the briefcase’s outermost pocket were class rosters from the past two years; letters addressed to those young men care of the university were sure to reach them.
公文包最外层的口袋里装的有过去两年来的班级花名册; 给这些年轻人的信件地址由大学转交,这样能确保他们收到信。 yeeyan

A man in a suit, with a briefcase, a beard— some sort of professor.
此人身着西装,手拿一个公文包,满脸络腮胡子——看上去很像个教授。 yeeyan

Carry it in a purse or briefcase or get a nonmetallic belt clip that orients it away from your body.
把手机放在钱包或公文包里,或用非金属的腰带夹,这样也可以将放射物导离身体。 yeeyan

Carrying an empty, locked briefcase, Haggis went to the Advanced Organization building in Los Angeles, where the material was held.
哈吉斯带着一个能上锁的空公文包去了位于洛杉矶的陆上高级机构,那里掌握着这些材料。 yeeyan

Chopstick sets complete with a simple or decorative case are sold at many stores and are easy to put in a purse, knapsack or briefcase, they note.
他们称带有简装或精装盒子的木筷套装则在许多商店销售,并且它们便于放在手包,背包或者公文包中。 yeeyan

Dennis peered into the room and saw her take a small red object out of her briefcase and quickly hide it in the bottom drawer of her dresser.
丹尼斯窥视着房间里的一举一动,只见她从公文包里拿出一个红色的小东西,快速地把它藏在梳妆台最底下的抽屉里。 yeeyan

From his earliest days as secretary of defense, Robert Gates kept a little countdown clock in his briefcase.
从担任国防部长初期,罗伯特·盖茨就一直把一个小小的倒计时时钟放在他的公文包里。 yeeyan

He sets his briefcase down and opens it.
他放下公文包,打了开来。 ebigear

He’d walk in through the mudroom carrying his briefcase, still wearing the ID badge, his tie not loosened a centimeter, and looking so damned important.
他会提着他的公文包走过门厅,还带着他的 ID卡,他的领带一公分都没松,看起来是那么的重要。 yeeyan

He popped a letter out of his briefcase.

I went into my apartment and dropped my coat and briefcase on the couch.
我走进自己的公寓,把外套和公文包扔在沙发上。 yeeyan

Maybe the phone bumped up against something in a purse or briefcase, or rubbed up against a seat belt.
有时候可能是手机放在钱包或公文包里碰到了什么东西,或者碰到安全带了。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

My hands are bloody and my knees are worn through, and I want my briefcase back.
我的双手鲜血淋漓,膝盖烂了两个大窟窿,我想要回我的公文包。 yeeyan

That section’s rough illustration presents a well- dressed agent carrying a suspicious briefcase, as well as an online address where readers can download a copy of the PASIV Device Technical Manual.
那部分用粗略的图示描绘了一个穿着讲究的特工携带着可疑的公文包,并给出了可供读者下载《 PASIV设备技术手册》的网址。 yeeyan

The new cases include either a fold- down section in a bigger briefcase or a stand- alone protective sleeve that contains no extra clutter and can be readily viewed through the scanner.
新的便携式电脑包包括一个大公文包的下折部分或者一个独立的不包含其它杂物的保护性夹层,能够很容易地通过扫描设备来检查。 yeeyan

They knocked him down and robbed him of his briefcase.
他们把他打倒在地,抢走了他的公文包。 ebigear

When carrying a bag or briefcase, switch sides frequently to avoid placing the bulk of weight on only one side of your body.
拎手提包或公文包时,两边要频繁的换着拎,避免让身体的一侧负担过重。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

When he opened the briefcase, papers flew out, a thousand doves flailing against the walls of the alley.
他打开公文包时,一堆纸页飞出,好像成千只鸽子顶着墙乱扑腾。 yeeyan

Would you like to leave your coat and briefcase here?
你要不要把外套和公文包放在这里? kekenet




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