

单词 bridgefoot
释义 bridgefootBNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³
Mr. Bridgefoot disagrees. Benson'was a very greedy girl' and may have eaten the entire feed, he says.
布瑞志福特不同意这点。他说,本森非常贪婪,她会吃光所有的鱼食。 iciba

Mr. Bridgefoot first encountered Mr. Williams years ago and the two bonded when Mr. Bridgefoot took a stuffed alligator off the taxidermist's hands after a client had refused to pay for it.
布瑞志福特是几年前第一次遇到威廉姆斯的,当时布瑞志福特从这位标本制作者手中买下了客户拒绝付款的一个鳄鱼标本,两个人也因此成为了朋友。 iciba

Benson's corpse currently sits in a freezer at Mr. Bridgefoot's house, where it will stay till Mr. Williams drives down on Friday to pick it up.
本森的尸体目前放在布瑞志福特房子的冰柜里,将一直放到威廉姆斯周五开车来把她取走。 iciba

For years, Mr. Bridgefoot was able to claim that Benson was the U. K.'s largest common carp, her appeal bolstered by bright- orange scales that seemed painted on and perfect lips.
这些年来,布瑞志福特声称本森是英国最大的鲤鱼,像画上去一样的亮黄色鱼鳞和完美的鱼唇都让她的魅力大增。 iciba

Likewise, the stress Benson suffered from anglers plucking her out of the water63 times may have finally caught up with her, a potential cause even Mr. Bridgefoot acknowledges.
同样,本森从水中被钓上来63次所带来的折磨也可能最终害了她,甚至布瑞志福特也承认这可能是个原因。 iciba

The lakes' owner, Tony Bridgefoot, noticed Benson's propensity to pack on the pounds and groomed her for stardom.
湖区的老板托尼•布瑞志福特 Tony Bridgefoot发现了本森体重增加的倾向,决定把她培养成明星。 iciba

Bridgefoot got in his car and drove home.
布瑞志福特立刻驱车回家。 acsf




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