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bride price短语¹⁰⁶¹⁰⁰⁺⁵ 基本英英例句 聘金
Noun: money or property given in some societies by the bridegroom to the family of his bride It is said that silver belt to send a man to marry the bride price, it will show the depth of the feelings of the husband and wife and family how much wealth. 据说银腰带是男人送的结婚聘礼,它能展示夫妻感情的深浅和家庭财富的多少。 docin On the basis of fieldwork in Shanjiaji, a Hui village in southern Ningxia Autonomous Region, this paper analyzes the bride price and marriage circle of the rural Huis. 本文以作者在宁夏南部一个回族聚居村单家集所开展的调查为基础,对乡村回族婚姻中的聘礼和通婚圈进行了初步分析。 cnki The acceptance of this bride price constituted a legally binding betrothal, which was followed by some wedding celebration when the bride took up residence with her new family. 接受这一彩礼构成具有法律约束力的订婚,随后一些婚礼时,新娘庆祝了新的居住地与她的家庭。 blog.cnii.com.cn The Bride Price was intended as compensation for the loss of the Bride's labour. 彩礼的目的是为了赔偿新娘的劳动力损失。 nhjww A year later, home, the girl next door back to help the bride price, the lifting of the marriage. 一年后,三弟回家,帮邻家的女孩退了聘礼,解除了婚约。 tradeask Analysis the reasons of legislative gap on engagement, the purpose of behavior on the nature of bride price should be adopted, pointing out impropriety of the relevant provisions. 分析了我国关于婚约出现立法空白的原因,提出关于彩礼的性质应采目的行为说,指出法律相关规定之不当之处。591-lw Further, the Groom is also expected to pay a“ Bride Price” to the Bride's parents. 此外,新郎也将付出“聘礼”给新娘的父母。 nhjww It was usually the patriarch who selected a bride for his son and who paid a “ bride price” to her father. 它通常是谁选择了主教新娘为自己的儿子,谁支付“彩礼” ,以她的父亲。 blog.cnii.com.cn Lee explained to me that generally, the Bride's parents are expected to give back some of the Bride Price. 李向我解释说,一般来说,新娘的父母都希望给回彩礼一些。 nhjww Lee's father met with the Bride's father at the latter's request to discuss the Bride Price. 李的父亲会见了新娘的父亲在后者的要求,讨论彩礼。 nhjww Note, Lee later discovered that a cousin- in- law of the Bride's refused to pay the Bride Price. 注,李后来发现一个表弟合,新娘的法律的拒绝支付彩礼。 nhjww She was deeply grateful that Lee was understanding and that he agreed to pay her parents the Bride Price. 她深为感激,李说,他是理解和同意支付她的父母彩礼。 nhjww The author argues that if we study the bride price carefully and notice the interaction between the bride price and the dowry, we will discover several economic implications of the gifts. 作者认为,如果在研究聘礼的同时留意它与嫁妆之间的互动关系,就会发现其中包含着补偿、互惠和财产转移等多重经济意义。 cnki Bride Price, a particular social phenomenon, is deeply rooted in traditional Chinese culture and long exists in the rural areas. Thus, it owns deep social and cultural origin. 彩礼作为一种独特的社会现象,根植于中国传统文化之中,存活于乡土社会的土壤之上,有着深刻的社会文化根源。 jukuu |