

单词 bridal chamber
释义 bridal chamber短语⁵³⁸⁷⁷
After the dinner, Harvey and his new wife went to the bridal chamber.
结婚晚宴后,哈维和他的新婚妻子进入洞房。 edu.beelink.com.cn

So Crete shall presently receive thee, Crete that was mine own foster-mother, where thy bridal chamber shall be.
接纳收容你,那是养育了我的地方,我们的新房也将安的那里。 piaoci

Decorate bridal chamber of romance will no doubt for bustling wedding icing on the cake.
温馨浪漫的装修新房无疑会为熙熙攘攘的婚礼锦上添花。 www.tpch.com.cn

Even to this day, the transmutation has already taken place in sex education, but as a kind of folk culture, playing in bridal chamber should be kept.
时至今天,闹洞房的性教育功能已发生嬗变,但作为一种民俗文化,则应该保留下来。 cnki

I bought a bridal chamber in Chengdu Pi county recently, floor area is 88.83 square metre.
最近我在成都郫县买了一套新房,建筑面积为88.83平方米。 iciba

Kapok finally opened in the last quarter of the day, day and night to usher in the thinking of the lovers, both entered the bridal chamber.
终于在一季木棉花开的日子里,迎来了日夜思念的恋人,双双步入洞房。 blog.sina.com.cn

Still have being the same housing estate that the colleague who is to discover me within my bridal chamber QQ group, buys unexpectedly with me.
还有就是,在我的新房 QQ群里发现我的同事居然和我买的是同一个小区。 blog.sina.com.cn

The emperor's bridal chamber in the East Warmth Chamber was painted red and lanterns were painted with red Double Happiness characters. In fact, nearly everything there was red!
皇帝大婚的洞房在东暖阁,挂着红色的灯笼和红色的双喜,实际上几乎所有的东西都是红色的。 kinabaloo

We played the bride and bridegroom into the bridal chamber.
我们奏乐把新娘新郎迎进新房。 hotdic




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