词汇 | 毛遂自荐 |
释义 | 毛遂自荐 辨形“遂”,不能写作“逐”。 辨析毛遂自荐与“自告奋勇”有别:毛遂自荐有自我推荐的意思;“自告奋勇”则含有自己主动承担某件事的意思。 辨形“遂”,不能写作“逐”。 辨析毛遂自荐与“自告奋勇”有别:毛遂自荐有自我推荐的意思;“自告奋勇”则含有自己主动承担某件事的意思。 歇后语孙猴子作官 法文se recommander,se présenter soi-mêmeoffrir ses services 俄文вызывáться добровольно 大敌当前,赵国形势万分危急。平原君赵胜,奉赵王之命,去楚国求兵解围。平原君把门客召集起来,想挑选20个文武全才一起去。他挑了又挑,选了又选,最后还缺一个人。这时,门客毛遂自我推荐,说:“我算一个吧!”平原君见毛遂再三要求,才勉强同意了。 到了楚国,楚王只接见平原君一个人。两人坐在殿上,从早晨谈到中午,还没有结果。毛遂大步跨上台阶,远远地大声叫起来:“出兵的事,非利即害,非害即利,简单而又明白,为何议而不决?”楚王非常恼火,问平原君:“此人是谁?”平原君答道:“此人名叫毛遂,乃是我的门客!”楚王喝道:“赶快下!我和你主人说话,你来干吗?”毛遂见楚王发怒,不但不退下,反而又走上几个台阶。他手按宝剑,说:“如今十步之内,大王性命在我手中!”楚王见毛遂那么勇敢,没有再呵斥他,就听毛遂讲话。毛遂就把出捕援赵有利楚国的道理,作了非常精辟的分析。毛遂的一番话,说得楚王心悦诚服,答应马上出兵。不几天,楚;魏等国联合出兵援赵。秦军撤退了。平原君回赵后,待毛遂为上宾。他很感叹地说:“毛先生一至楚,楚王就不敢小看赵国。” 【注意】遂,不读suí。 反义词 “ My watch provides light, ” Julia offered. “ My watch provides light,” Julia offered. She switched the mode to light mode and the neon green light flashed in the cave. Self- recommendation sometimes is nothing but necessary. Most advertising agencies absolutely refuse to accept unsolicited ideas from third parties. Therefore in the graduation to, will unify own situation, will volunteer services, I will believe, your firm will be able to appoint people on merit, knows the person friendly to use. Some of the greatest love stories do not even get a chance to start because both people are afraid to approach and introduce themselves to each other. Can you recommend yourself to the manager? You are not logged in yet. Please log in before recommend yourself! After that, she told him frankly that she was a prostitute, and she wondered whether she could offer herself as his mistress. If there's a new workplace project that needs a leader, volunteer. Though TV might seem to be the fastest route into the spotlight, other types of modern-day technology also offer chances for self-promotion to wanna- be stars. He offers up his services to finish the operation. Let's stop here today. Tomorrow at noon, I will volunteer my services and introduce the“ interesting matches of tug of war in China and foreign countries”. Prospective banquet guests were nominated by themselves or relatives, and99 were chosen to represent all parts of the country. She said she had often heard of his sexual prowess, and she wondered whether she could offer herself as his mistress. He was hired by CBS in 1949 after a bold encounter in the elevator with Arthur Godfrey. William Scranton volunteered. That's why I am here to recommend myself. Inspired by the message, Alec applied to be a presenter with Gore's The Climate Project, but was turned down due to his age. This often happens when a software vendor comes knocking and convinces a company that the way to improve customer experience is to measure every interaction with its customers. |
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