

单词 Bricklayers
释义 Bricklayers ˈbrikleiəz COCA⁸³⁶⁶⁸BNC⁴⁹⁷³⁵Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
Union Bricklayers,Masons,and Plasterers International Union of America 美国砖匠、石匠和泥水匠国际联盟原型bricklayer的复数 He noted, one Sunday morning, that the Bricklayers' Picnic took place that day at Shell Mound Park, and to Shell Mound Park he went.
有个星期天早上他听说砌砖工野餐会那天要在贝陵公园举行,就到那儿去了。 ebigear

In post- conflict situations we don't just need doctors without borders, we need bricklayers without borders, to rebuild the skill set.
冲突后,需要的不只是无国界医生,还需要无国界的砖瓦匠来重新掌握技术。 yeeyan

The pipe destined to conduct the smoke outside gave some trouble to these amateur bricklayers.
业余制砖工人们感到把烟通到外面去的烟囱很难做。 tingroom

The fellows were not bricklayers, but, as in the old days, they attended all Sunday picnics for the dancing, and the fighting, and the fun.
有些人并不是砌砖工,但是跟以前一样来参加星期天野餐,来跳舞,打架,寻开心。 ebigear

The stonemasons were wroth with her, it seemed. The bricklayers as well.
看起来石匠们也对她怒目相视,而砖匠们也一样。 che147

Academic writers employ words with the same precision as bricklayers use bricks. Each word is important.
写作学术文章时,遣词用字必须像水泥工砌砖一样精确,每个字都很重要。 publishedscholar

When it comes to getting things done, we need fewer architects and more bricklayers.
当我们得把活干完时,我们需要少一些的建筑师,和多一些的砌砖工人。 xdnice

Bricklayers, catering contractors, boat builders, tyre manufacturers, prawn fishermen and some miners also will do it hard.
砖瓦匠,餐饮业承包商,造船工,轮胎制造商,捕虾的渔民以及矿工也将迎来艰难的一年。 yeeyan

Bricklayers and carpenters often use plumb lines.
瓦工和木工经常使用铅垂线。 bab




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