

单词 Brianna
释义 Brianna briːˈænə COCA³⁰⁷³⁵
Balanced Brianna- She probably has one of the other personal styles mentioned in this guide but, understands clearly the certain situations require she dresses up or down.
八面玲珑- Brianna她可能属于上面描述的某种类型,但是她了解不同的场合需要不同的风格。 yeeyan

Gina, Brianna, and Jenny: Good, and you?
吉娜、布丽安娜和詹妮:好啊,你呢? blog.sina.com.cn

Gina and Brianna: Yeah.
吉娜和布丽安娜:是啊。 blog.sina.com.cn

Once upon a time there lived a beautiful princess named Brianna.
从前,有一位美丽的公主,名叫布兰娜。 blog.sina.com.cn

Roughly six months after I met Brianna, I met Angel.
大约是与布丽安娜的相逢后六个月,我遇到了安吉尔。 yeeyan

The RIAA accused Brianna of stealing after she illegally downloaded music off the Internet.
唱片协会以盗版罪指控布莱娜从互联网上非法下载音乐。 edu.sina.com.cn

The poem I wrote Brianna wasn’t genuine, at least not in my mind.
写给布丽安娜的那首诗中不曾透露出真诚,至少在我心中是这样。 yeeyan

Brianna also said she was sorry for breaking the law, adding, “ I love music and don't want to hurt the artists I love.”
布莱娜也说她对违法很抱歉,还补充说:“我爱音乐,也不想伤害那些我喜欢的艺人。” edu.sina.com.cn

Brianna also shared her music files with other computer users.
布莱娜还与其他电脑用户共享她的音乐文件。 edu.sina.com.cn




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