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词汇 brian
释义 brian
The machine, Bandit, is roughly Brian’s size, and it has been trying to engage him by slowly rolling toward him.
名为班迪特的机器人体型大约跟布莱恩一般大小,正试图慢慢滚动接近布莱恩。 yeeyan

The other half was awarded to Brian P. Schmidt of Australian National University and Adam G. Riess of Johns Hopkins University and the Space Telescope Science Institute.
另一半则奖给了来自澳大利亚国家大学的布莱恩. P.舒密特和来自约翰.霍普金斯大学和太空望远镜科学院的亚当. G.里斯。 yeeyan

“ I’ve never seen anything freeze so fast,” said Brian.
布莱恩说:“我还从没见过结冰结得这么快的。” yeeyan

Although the stories may seem funny, elephant Managing Director Brian Martin said that they should serve as a caution to drivers to be“ aware of their surroundings at all times”.
尽管这些故事听起来很有趣,但是大象保险公司的总经理布莱恩·马丁提醒驾驶者应该“始终注意他们周围的情况”。 iciba

Apparently Kelly had been injured, so the hard decision was made that Brian and Nikko should go for help.
凯利显然已经受伤了,所以一个艰难的决定出现了,由布莱恩与日光去寻求帮助。 yeeyan

At first Tony Blair said good old Brian, what a champion of free speech.
起初,托尼•布莱尔评价他是个好老头布莱恩,言论自由的赢家。 ecocn

Bandit uses infrared sensing and cameras to calculate Brian’s position.
班迪特用红外遥感和摄像机来计算布莱恩的位置。 yeeyan

But based on the new data, Brian Powell, a professor of sociology at Indiana University, says he has to conclude that any such backlash was short-lived.
但是印第安纳大学的社会学教授布莱恩鲍威尔说,根据新的数据,他必须下个结论,就是任何这样的抵触都是暂时的。 yeeyan

Drug and alcohol abuse contributed to Brian's early death.
滥用毒品和酗酒导致了布莱恩的早逝。 ebigear

Finally, emboldened, Brian steps up to the robot and leans his face toward it, curious and confident.
最后,布莱恩有恃无恐得走向机器人,好奇而自信得将脸朝向它。 yeeyan

I even met up to grab coffee with some guys, which is how I met Brian.
我甚至会约一些男同志出来喝咖啡,就是在这样的场合我遇到了布莱恩。 yeeyan

Just when she thought Brian would hit her, he swerved, aiming the puck between her feet.
就在她以为布莱恩要撞上自己的时候,他转了个弯儿,将冰球瞄准她双脚之间的空隙。 yeeyan

So to find out more, scientists Mr Brian Davis, Dr Gang Li and Professor William Murphy conducted an analysis of the DNA of all these species.
为了找出一个答案,科学家布莱恩戴维斯,李刚博士以及威廉姆艾菲教授对这些品种的 DNA进行了分析。 yeeyan

The hero for industry optimists is Brian Tierney, a former public- relations executive who led a group of investors that borrowed heavily to buy Philadelphia's two main dailies.
布莱恩.蒂尔尼是报纸行业的乐观主义的英雄。这位昔日的公关主管领导着一群投资者借了巨款买下费城两家主要日报。 yeeyan

To do this Brian Cowen, the prime minister, must take some more tough decisions, and soon.
要实现这个目标总理布莱恩科恩必须尽快采取一些更为有力的措施。 ecocn

Two of Robert’s friends, Brian and Ron, were already there playing hockey.
罗伯特的两个朋友布莱恩和罗恩已经在那儿等着他们了。 yeeyan

Brian and I worked together for several years before he moved on to other things.
布莱恩和我一起工作了好几年之后才转到其他事情上。 yeeyan

Brian Jackson, an emerging markets strategist at Royal Bank of Canada in Hong Kong, commented in a note to clients.
布莱恩杰克逊,香港加拿大银行新兴市场战略家,在给顾客的注解中这样评论。 yeeyan

BRIAN KNUTSON: Once we started to use money, we found very reliable activation in these emotional circuits.

Brian Kristensen, of the Danish Environmental Protection Agency, estimates that between200 and500 premature deaths each year in Denmark are due to noise.
布莱恩.克里斯藤森丹麦环保局人员估计道,在丹麦每年有200至500起早夭事件与噪音有关。 yeeyan

Brian Nelson,50, is a former actor, insurance salesman, theater director and computer consultant and says he only wears kilts at weddings.
布莱恩·纳尔逊,50岁,曾经当过演员、保险推销员、戏剧导演和电脑顾问。他说在婚礼上他只穿苏格兰短裙。 yeeyan

Brian was interviewing for a customer service position, and emphasized his versatility, fast response time, and energetic problem- solving abilities.




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