

单词 breus
释义 breus
As it happens, Breus says, you burn more calories during REM than in other parts of the sleep cycle.
布瑞鲁斯称,如果睡眠不足,在 ERM阶段燃烧掉卡路里会远远多于睡眠周期的其他方面。 yeeyan

At the same time, Breus says, sleep deprivation causes your body to release more ghrelin, the hormone that signals hunger, and less leptin, the hormone that tells your body it’s full.
同时,他说,睡眠不足会使身体释放更多的生长激素释放多肽和瘦素,前者会发出饥饿信号,后者则会告诉身体已经吃饱。 yeeyan

Michael Breus is a clinical psychologist with a specialty in sleep disorders.
迈克尔·布劳斯是一位临床心理学家,专门研究睡眠紊乱问题。 hjenglish

Michael Breus says any tired driver is dangerous, but especially a teenager with a lack of experience.
迈克尔·布劳斯说疲惫的司机都是危险的,特别是缺乏驾驶经验的青少年。 hjenglish

“ It's mathematically so complicated you can't do anything else, and it's so doggone boring you are out like a light,” Breus said.
“这在数学上是如此复杂,以致你不可能再做其它事,并且它是如此可恶的单调乏味,你会像灯熄灭一样安然入睡。”布鲁斯说。 yeeyan

“ We all dream several times a night, even if we don't recall them, ” says Michael Breus, PhD.
布鲁斯博士说,“即便是我们想不起来,我们一夜都做好几个梦”。 blog.sina.com.cn

According to Breus, people sleep best when the room is between65 and75 degrees fahrenheit and the bed's surface is between82 and86 degrees fahrenheit.
据布鲁斯说,人们在房间温度是65至75华氏度之间,床的表面温度是82至86华氏度之间的时候睡眠最好。 yeeyan

Although the book touts Breus as the Sleep Doctor, he is a psychologist with a PhD, not a physician.
尽管此书将布瑞鲁斯吹捧为睡眠指导医师,他本人是一名心理学博士,而不是内科医生。 yeeyan

Exercise is great for sleep, but Breus said that it's hard for the body to wind down after doing it.
运动对睡眠是非常有益的,但 Breus说,运动后很难让身体放松下来。 yeeyan

Keep a worry journal. Breus says writing down your worries can reduce anxiety's grip.
写烦心日志。布瑞鲁斯称写下自己的烦心事可以缓解焦虑。 yeeyan

The body was not meant to digest food lying down, it was meant to digest food sitting or standing, Breus told ABC News.
这意味着消化食物不是要人躺着,而是需要坐着或站着, Breus告诉美国广播公司。 yeeyan

Breus spells outand supports by citing research several means by which too little sleep could lead to weight gain.
布瑞鲁斯清晰地阐述了佐以研究实例几种睡眠不足会导致体重增长的方式。 yeeyan

Breus, it's easier to recall a dream when you wake up in the morning, versus, say, in the middle of the night.
与午夜相比,凌晨我们大多处于快速眼动睡眠阶段,因此早上醒来更容易想起所做的梦。 blog.sina.com.cn

Breus said that light resets your biological clock and can trick your brain into thinking it's morning.
布鲁斯说,光线会重新设定你的生物钟,能欺骗你的大脑进入它思考的早晨。 yeeyan

Breus said the bath will relax your musculature and increase your core body temperature.
布鲁斯说,洗澡能放松你的肌肉组织,增加你的核心体温。 yeeyan

Breus said the most common reason people have trouble falling asleep is that they cannot turnoff their mind.
Breus说,人们难以入眠最常见的原因是他们不能停止自己的思考。 yeeyan

Breus says writing down your worries can reduce anxiety’s grip.
布瑞鲁斯称写下自己的烦心事可以缓解焦虑。 yeeyan

Breus uses a variety of distraction techniques, one of them is telling people to count backwards from300 by3s.
Breus采用了多种技术分散注意力,其中之一是告诉人们从300开始倒着数数3秒钟。 yeeyan




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