

单词 欲罢不能
释义 欲罢不能 yù bà bù néng 常用成语
cannot help doing sth.繁体慾罷不能近义骑虎难下正音“罢”,不能读作“pí”。
法文trop engagé pour reculer
俄文не в силах броситьне мочь оставáться设或命运坎坷,从中别生枝节,拖延日久,虽要将就了事,欲罢不能。清 李汝珍《镜花缘》第十二回颜回是鲁国人,和父亲颜路一起来跟随孔子学习。学习一段时间后,颜回叹道∶“夫子讲的道理,越仰望越显得高远,越钻研越觉得坚深,看似在面前,一会又出现在背后。夫子循序渐進地教我,用语言来打开我的智慧,用礼义来约束我的行为,现在我想停止不学也不可能了欲罢不能。尽管我已经用尽了我的力量,可是距离夫子讲的道理依然很远,我想去追从,却总感到跟不上。”
后来颜回死了。有一回魯哀公问孔子:“弟子之中谁最好学?”孔子说:“曾经有个叫颜回的学生好学,不乱发脾气;不犯两次错误,不幸短命死了!再也没有好学的了。”偏正式:作谓语;宾语;指处境艰难;中性词。先秦 孔子《论语 子罕》:“夫子循循然善诱人,博我以文,约我以礼,欲罢不能。”解释: 罢:停止。想停也停不住。《论语·子罕》:“夫子循循然善诱人,博我以文,约我以礼,欲罢不能。”
巴金《随想录》八九:“有一回我开车回城里,车子比现在更多。我已经十分疲劳,但是欲罢不能。我像一个机器人在滚滚车流中向前飞奔。”近义词 骑虎难下不能自休
反义词 甘之如饴
敌人陷入了欲罢不能,而又不能不罢手的被动境地。The enemy were reduced to a passive position in which they found it hard to give up the battle and yet had to give it up.《美丽国度的劫难》以威尔士优美的风貌为背景,是本时而有趣时而悲伤的历史小说,读来感人至深、令人欲罢不能。
A historical novel in turn funny and tragic, Rape of the Fair Country is an engaging and moving novel set against the beautiful Welsh landscape. www.chinadaily.com.cn

澳大利亚以外的读者可能觉得前面几章描写了过多澳大利亚的生活细节,但读者会很快被 Hutchinson夫人的经历吸引,欲罢不能。
Non- Australian readers may find the early chapters contain too much detail about life Down Under, but the reader becomes drawn in to Ms Hutchinson’s story and the book is hard to put down. ecocn

The enemy were thus reduced to a passive position in which they found it hard to give up the battle and yet had to give it up.《新英汉大辞典》

Like all other immersive games— including tennis, fantasy football and chess— Twitter is spellbinding when you’re in it, and seems nuts and like a sicko waste of time when you’re not. yeeyan

Post- modernists enjoy conflicts very much, which conforms to their desire of conquering and creativity, the current world can also meet his vanity, therefore most people can not get rid of it. yuliming

Often see such drama, it recorded a feeling that if you see a group of people life's ups and downs you will on the animals appreciate. blog.sina.com.cn

If you masturbate compulsively to the point that it interferes with your work or your relationships with friends, family, and God, this is a problem. yeeyan

The Chinese government may be politically uncomfortable with lending money to the U. S., but it remains locked into purchasing Treasury bonds because of its currency's tight peg to the dollar. iciba

Although the dishes are common style while the charm makes you can not help to enjoying the flavors and keep going. treasure.1x1y.com.cn

Its appealing smell, cozy and inviting atmosphere are difficult to resist, especially if you struggle with an addiction like alcohol. www.1x1y.com.cn

She probably knows how to turn a boring subject into a fascinating one.21cn

Having exhausted my ability, I still seem to find something standing high above me. Though I wish to follow it, there is no way to do so. ygcl

I must convince that I’m really addicted to this feature, and the idea is simply ingenious. yeeyan

我不认为他们会告诉你她到底姓什么,因为现在大家胃口都被吊起来了,呵呵,我很了解 Chuck就喜欢让观众欲罢不能。
I don’t think they’re ever going to tell her last name because now it’s a thing and people keep asking, and I know Chuck well enough to think he’s enjoying that. yeeyan

Buffalo wings leave most people licking their fingers and begging for more. jukuu

Best served with blue cheese dressing and celery sticks. Buffalo wings leave most people licking their fingers and begging for more. englishtide

It combines wildness and gentleness so that you are unable to reject it at a glance. chris-tina

The unit personalities and intractability add a whole new depth to a game that may not be recognized on the surface, but for one reason or another keeps us coming back for more. blog.sina.com.cn

Now I wrote to Mrs. Wallace a rather embarrassed letter, briefly telling her the compulsive quest I'd gotten myself into. ebigear

Another possibility, as discussed earlier, is that existing portfolio holdings are so large that officials are in a self- fulfilling trap. yeeyan

A quick brainstorm of fields of study that involve “ getting someone to do something for as long as possible” yields: coercion or torture, marketing, and psychology of motivation or addiction. blog.sina.com.cn

之所以使用机器人做家务,就是为了能帮你省下时间来做别的,但奇怪的是,盯着 Roomba,看它是如何对付障碍物这种事,简直令人欲罢不能。
Domestic robots are supposed to free up time so that you can do other things, but watching how the Roomba deals with obstacles is strangely compelling. ecocn




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