

单词 Bremmer
释义 Bremmer ˈbremər COCA¹⁰⁷³³¹
IN MAY2009 the Chinese consulate in New York invited Ian Bremmer to take part in a small seminar on“the current financial crisis”.
2009年五月在纽约的中国领事邀请依安。布雷默参加一个关于“当下金融危机”的小型研讨会。 ecocn

Speaking now with ambassador L. Paul Bremmer III, he is the former chairman on the national commission on terrorism.
现在跟 L·保罗·布里墨大使谈一谈,他们是国家恐怖主义委员会前主席。 tingroom

“ Emerging markets are places where politics matter at least as much as economics to market outcomes, ” says Ian Bremmer of Eurasia Group, a political-risk consultancy.
“新兴市场是政治因素和市场导向作用对经济有同样作用的地方”政治咨询机构欧亚集团的 Ian Bremmer如是说。 ecocn

But he does provide a valuable supplement to Mr Bremmer’s book.
但他确实对布雷默的书做了有益的补充。 ecocn

Messrs Bremmer and Halper are actually less bullish about the new authoritarianism than the titles of their books might suggest.
布莱默先生和哈尔波先生其实并不像两人著作的名称那样看好这种新的集权专制。 yeeyan

Mr Bremmer argues that this transitional problem has often been ignored by international policymakers, above all by the current Bush administration.
Mr Bremmer认为过渡期问题经常被国际的政策决定者忽视,尤其是被当前布什政府所忽视。 ecocn

Mr Bremmer’s is the better read; he provides a wide-ranging account of the rise of state capitalism and he litters his prose with apposite examples and acute insights.
布雷默先生的书更易于阅读。他陈列了国家资本主义崛起的诸多根据并把贴切的案例与敏锐的洞察力结合形诸文字。 yeeyan




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