

单词 Bremer
释义 Bremer
Ad when you are finished singing, you Captain Von Trapp, will be taken to Bremer haven.
你们一唱完,你,冯·特普将军,就要被送往布莱梅港。 ebigear

In 1981—1987, the damage to rice of the third generation rice leaf-tier Parnara guttata Bremer et Grey larvae was studied.
作者于1981—1987年对直纹稻弄蝶第三代幼虫为害损失进行了研究。 cnki

In the middle of the18- th century the stone house on the bank belonged to the vice president of the justice college Fredrick von Bremer.
在18世纪中期时,河边的石屋是属于司法大学副校长 FredrickvonBremer的。 yeeyan

The first post- Saddam administration, the Coalition Provisional Authority CPA under Paul Bremer, became trapped in “ blindly optimistic” group- think.
第一任后萨达姆行政机关,保罗.布雷默领导的联盟驻伊拉克临时管理当局 CPA陷入了盲目乐观的集体思维。 ecocn




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