词汇 | 模棱两可 |
释义 | 模棱两可 辨析模棱两可与“不置可否”有别:模棱两可指表态不明确;可作“言辞”的定语;可作补语;“不置可否”多指“避而不谈”;不表示态度;不能作“言辞”的定语。 辨析模棱两可与“不置可否”有别:模棱两可指表态不明确;可作“言辞”的定语;可作补语;“不置可否”多指“避而不谈”;不表示态度;不能作“言辞”的定语。 法文ambiguéquivoque 俄文занимáть неопределённую позицию 德文zweideutig doppelsinnig 【注意】❶注意“模棱两可”的“棱”读léng。❷含贬义。 反义词 Ambiguity and vagueness were no longer an option. After1918, and still more after1945, the idea of man became equivocal. Routine thinkers like clarity and simplicity; they dislike ambiguity. However, the hierarchical structure of an XML message eliminates ambiguity and makes repeating the entity name unnecessary. If an incident occurs that looks as if it might be a hate crime but contains shadings of ambiguity, we can't say, “ Well, that act had roots that were61% economic and39% racial”. Yet, as the commission points out, the job still“ combines the functions of a judge with those of an investigator” and as such operates with “ fundamental ambiguity”. Mr Samaras has taken an equivocal position, arguing against the means of austerity rather than the end of budget targets. She compares the “ no alcohol” message put out by the department of health to pregnant women to the“ more equivocal advice” on Seroxat and pregnancy. Photographic ambiguity tests your imagination as well as your observational skills by placing different images that can be perceived by looking from different angles. Why had the divine author permitted himself the ambiguity of simile? Let me just point out an ambiguity. Whats your name? An expert lives in a world of ambiguity. On matters of principle we should be clear-cut in attitude, and by no means be equivocal. That ambiguity lets both sides portray the interaction in a way that is politically advantageous to their respective audiences. The archaeological evidence for ancient cookery is equivocal. Mr Steinbrück’s ambiguity may have been deliberate. The mere hint that aid might be available caused the financing costs of weaker countries in the euro to fall. The last thing the company needs is a co- founder that is no longer engaged but is hanging around out of guilt or ambiguity. |
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