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breeding grounds短语⁴³⁹³⁴ 基本例句 na.饲养场;产生,培养某种思想的温床;🌏繁殖区;繁殖水域;生生总不息原型breedingground的复数 It is a ridiculous sentimentalism that would deny ourselves oil that is peacefully attainable because it risks disrupting the breeding grounds of Arctic reindeer. 荒唐的感情用事使我们用不上可以和平获得的石油,只因为那有可能破坏北极鹿的繁殖地。 jukuu The main preventive measure is to stop the proliferation of mosquitoes by reducing their breeding grounds. 主要预防措施是通过减少蚊虫滋生地制止蚊子的繁殖。 who Administration officials keep saying they need to invest in countries like Afghanistan to make sure they don't fail and become breeding grounds for terrorists. 政府官员一直强调,他们需要向阿富汗这样的国家投资以确保他们的胜利成果,从而避免使这些国家成为滋生恐怖主义的温床。 yeeyan After all, energy companies are free to ravage and poison the breeding grounds of the cerulean warbler. 毕竟能源企业不受约束便会去掠夺和污染深蓝色林莺的繁殖地。 ecocn but not at Pitsea, because the surrounding wetlands are among Britain’s few remaining breeding grounds of the black-tailed godwit. 但是在Pitsea这个法子却行不通,因为该地附近的湿地是黒尾长嘴涉水鸟在不列颠仅存的几个繁殖地之一。 ecocn Come wintertime, they swim5,000 miles away to balmy breeding grounds near Columbia and the Equator. 而到了冬天,它们又会游行5000英里,到达哥伦比亚和赤道附近的温暖海域觅食。 cri EXTREMELY poor societies… provide optimal breeding grounds for disease, terrorism and conflict. 极度贫穷的社会为疾病,恐怖主义和冲突提供最理想的温床。 org FILTHY surroundings that are home to a population fed on antibiotics provide the ideal breeding grounds for superbugs. 食用抗生素的群体所居住的肮脏的环境为超级病毒提供了理想的繁殖地。 ecocn Keyboards, phones and other office equipment are breeding grounds for germs. 键盘、电话和其他办公室设备的孳生地细菌。 yeeyan Local communities depend on the forests for food, fuel, fishing, and medicine. Mangroves are also breeding grounds for many fish and centers of biodiversity. 当地人靠山吃山,于森林中获取食物,燃料、海产品以及药物。红树林成为鱼类的养殖地及生物多样性中心。 blog.sina.com.cn Mangroves are also breeding grounds for many fish and centers of biodiversity. 红树林成为鱼类的养殖地及生物多样性中心。 yeeyan Meanwhile the Brackish- water Aquaculture Centre aims to play its part in a process to revive Aceh as one of Southeast Asia's prestige breeding grounds for top- quality fish and shellfish. 与此同时,咸淡水养殖中心努力在将亚齐重建为东南亚鱼类和甲壳类动物顶级质量育苗场之一的进程中发挥作用。 fao Of the everyday items in your house, one of the most fertile breeding grounds for bacteria is a man’s wallet. 在你家里的所有日常用品中,最适宜细菌滋生的用品之一就是男人的钱夹。 yeeyan Reused water bottles also make good breeding grounds for bacteria. 被重复使用的瓶子是细菌的良好滋生地。 yeeyan Sealed, air-conditioned buildings and other closed spaces utilizing circulated forced air, like commercial airliners, are also criticized as breeding grounds for communicable diseases. 空调化的封闭建筑及其他象商业客机等使用循环压力送风的封闭空间,也被批评为传染性疾病的滋生地。 yeeyan The Yellow Sea is an amazingly important stopover point for birds travelling up from places like New Zealand and Australia to their breeding grounds in the Arctic. 对于新西兰和澳大利亚北上,飞到北极的鸟类来说,黄海是一个极为重要的中途停留点。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn Their travel would take them to safe and bountiful breeding grounds. 它们的旅行会把它们带到安全而丰裕的繁殖地。 yeeyan They also range widely, traversing the Atlantic Ocean to reach breeding grounds in the Mediterranean Sea. 同时,他们分布广泛,会穿过大西洋到地中海去繁殖。 ecocn This rebirth could also lead to new breeding grounds for life, scientists believe. 科学家们相信,这种重生同样会给生命提供新的繁殖地。 yeeyan To track the birds, biologists captured and tagged ten great snipes with geolocators at their breeding grounds in western Sweden in May2009. 为了对沙锥鸟进行跟踪调查,2009年5月,生物学家们在它们的繁殖地瑞典西部地区捕获了10只,并且安上了地理追踪器。 yeeyan We should reject all forms of terrorism and fundamentally remove the breeding grounds for terrorism. 应反对一切形式的恐怖主义,并努力从根本上消除滋生恐怖主义的土壤。 putclub |