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词汇 桀骜不驯
释义 桀骜不驯 jié ào bù xùn 常用成语
stubborn and unruly繁体桀驁不馴近义横冲直撞;无法无天;桀敖不驯反义安分守己;俯首帖耳正音“骜”,不能读作“áo”;“驯”,不能读作“xún”。
辨形“桀”,不能写作“杰”;“聱”。识字读书,聪明出众。只是生成一个桀骜不驯的性子,顽劣异常。《儿女英雄传》第十八回联合式:作谓语;定语;指性情倔强凶暴不驯顺;中性词。东汉 班固《汉书 匈奴传》:“其桀骜尚如斯,安肯以爱子而为质乎?”解释: 桀骜:倔强,不受约束。驯:驯服,顺从。指性情强悍而不驯顺。北魏·崔鸿《十六国春秋·后赵录九·石闵》:“闵曰:天下大乱,尔曹鲜卑桀骜不驯,尚欲篡逆,我一时英雄,何为不可作帝王耶?”


近义词 横冲直撞俯首听命无法无天横行霸道
反义词 俯首贴耳俯首帖耳安分守己唯唯诺诺俯首听命百依百顺唯命是听唯唯喏喏唯命是从
她总是有点桀骜不驯。She has always been a bit of a rebel.桀骜不驯、标新立异、外表冷酷又不乏幽默感的 Bono具有惊人的影响力,他聚集了世界上最具权势的领袖们来关注艾滋病问题以及非洲的贫穷问题,并采取切实有效的行动。
Irreverent, funny, iconoclastic and relentless, Bono has become stunningly effective in bringing the world's most powerful leaders to take seriously the problems of AIDS and African poverty. yeeyan

It might also help to unite a fractious opposition against what they portray as an assault on democracy. ecocn

Unlike great rock bands, he does not think they will be destroyed by their own hubris. yeeyan

But so far the Alawite- led army, with its array of privileges, has remained loyal to the defiant Mr Assad. ecocn

For a few seconds, though, I saw them clearly—the deliberately rumpled hair of the boys and the neat, tidy composure of the girls in opposition. yeeyan

When earth begins again I would like to slide down a chute of stars into an icy untamed sea and swim through the cold to the ice floe where there will be others like me, not monsters, homed. yeeyan

There were the disagreements about how to handle the disintegration of Yugoslavia and the often recalcitrant stance of Russia. yeeyan

How their partnership was formed: Moore and Noyce were rebels. yeeyan

The kids brought guns and bad attitudethat she quickly changed, natch!, while she brought poetry and Bob Dylan lyrics and promptly taught the students about symbolism. hjenglish

Kidd killed his own gunner, William Moore. The act held quiet what had been a mutinous crew. yeeyan

The ministry of justice has purged the courts of recalcitrant judges, too. ecocn

All this was good preparation for the defiance she was to show after1939, when the Germans invaded. ecocn

他将作为“复仇者”, 即一位魔术师的助手登台表演,仍旧带着那副眼镜依稀可见一丝桀骜不驯,只不过穿了一身利索的灰西服。
He would be“Alastair”, a conjuror’s assistant, still with the spectaclesa solitary dash of unruliness but in a neat grey suit. ecocn

They feared that Ron Artest would destroy the chemistry of a team that had just won a championship with his volatile personality. zoomkobe

I recognized its social value. I saw its ordered happiness, but a fever in my blood asked for a wilder course. kekenet

Studying the arts can also help companies learn how to manage bright people. yeeyan

A group of African leaders is headed to Ivory Coast for another attempt at convincing defiant incumbent President Laurent Gbagbo to step down. voa365

The Iraqi political leaders remain recalcitrant, their government a dysfunctional mess. yeeyan

Iran may declare that its objective is to chase America from the Persian Gulf, but it is Iranian recalcitrance that prompts its neighbours to host American bases and spend lavishly on American arms. ecocn

It is possible that the violent, fractious underworld of extremism in Pakistan had turned on him. But his reports were also a frequent embarrassment to the Pakistani army. ecocn

Close contact with the proud Maasai in remote areas adds to the fascination. yeeyan

这一条约还包含一个让某一成员国离开欧盟的所谓“退出条款”,这可真算得上是个新鲜事物。 虽然该条约还没有给予欧盟将桀骜不驯者红牌罚出场外的权力。
It also contains the novelty of an exit clause, letting a country leave though not yet giving the EU the power to throw a recalcitrant out. ecocn

This leaves China alone in a position to break the stalemate, by applying quiet pressure on its unruly ally. ecocn

这些生物体型矮小,桀骜不驯。 早在16世纪末,野马的祖先从西班牙征服者的营地里走失,从此世代驰骋于这片沙砾堆积的群山之上。
These small, tough animals have galloped the dusty hills since the late 1500s, when their ancestors strayed from the encampments of the conquistadores. yeeyan

Mr Zuma may at last really mean to get tough with his recalcitrant neighbour to the north. ecocn

Two things undermine the hope that the fractious Caucasians have finally learned to hang together, to their own benefit and that of Western energy consumers. ecocn

The drapery of her red dress and green shawl are sumptuous, and the subject, with her head tilted and her lips slightly parted, has a trace of sauciness that makes her especially attractive. ecocn

The tiny mouse stands proudly on its hind legs, stares defiantly into the eyes of the cat just inches away and lets out its loudest squeak. ttpet




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