词汇 | 根深蒂固 |
释义 | 根深蒂固 辨析“积重难返”和“根深蒂固”;都含有“形成很久;难以改变”的意思。但“根深蒂固”表示基础牢固;不可动摇;多指旧势力;旧思想;旧制度等基础深厚;不易摧毁;有时也指好的思想感情不能改变;“积重难返”表示长时间形成的陋习;弊端和不良思想;作风难以改变。 辨析“积重难返”和“根深蒂固”;都含有“形成很久;难以改变”的意思。但“根深蒂固”表示基础牢固;不可动摇;多指旧势力;旧思想;旧制度等基础深厚;不易摧毁;有时也指好的思想感情不能改变;“积重难返”表示长时间形成的陋习;弊端和不良思想;作风难以改变。 歇后语年老的老松树 法文s'établir solidementprofondément enraciné 俄文крéпко укорениться 德文tiefeingewurzelt sich tief und fest einwurzeln 反义词 The fact that it is an entirely unfamiliar concept to us and that it is rooted in Chinese history and reality rather than our own, is not a reason to brand it as an' empty construct'. Despite the shortage of good females , there are signs of hope that mainstream culture is working to change these ingrained attitudes toward women. Yes, I know this may look a little too messy initially, but bear with me: once you break the ingrained habit of linear note taking, you won’t look back. Support for human rights and human dignity is ingrained in America. Another important reason is these people have an ingrained superiority complex in them. Mayer, for example, notes that women have more opportunities in Silicon Valley because there’s no entrenched hierarchy there. Despite government plans to “ nudge” employees into these schemes from 2012, the worry is that those habits are too entrenched to shift. So are you among the ones who go over to the other Wikis for information or do you remain rooted to the main Wikipedia? Forty years of entrenched power is not something that either man is willing to give up, and the cowards that support them will continue to do so for the scraps they get from the table. We need to use God’s Word to expose the lies we’ve ingrained about sex. But the scale of the protests being held across Iran today also suggests a despair that is more deep- rooted than simply outrage over what they see as a stolen election. Will the profession go in a completely different direction once the entrenched powers begin to fade away and people with new and better ideas take their place? Having allowed a belief in state- backing for Dubai World to become entrenched, the state's decision not to guarantee its debts therefore looked like reneging. In Spain the church presents all these contradictions: it is culturally very strong, and rooted in one half of a divided society. In this city, the women's romance and tenderness seemed to be deep- rooted, which makes the women here have a special charm. That may be human nature, or perhaps it’s something that’s ingrained in our culture. This allows him to touch plausibly on many hot- button themes—the erosion of social capital, entrenched inequality and social immobility— but it stops short of a full explanation of them. This could go on indefinitely, unless you think it’s such an ingrained habit that you won’t need to review it anymore. That initial negative response will trigger our established response patterns, and we will begin to follow the ingrained pattern established by previous negative experiences. And that is the trouble; one man may fall, but entrenched regimes are hard to shift. This swearing in ceremony has a special meaning for all of us because volunteerism is really ingrained in American culture and society. The need for praise is such an ingrained part of my personality that I doubt I’d be able to change completely, but I can do better. The dollar is too entrenched as the international currency of choice, with the U.S. by far the world's largest economy, went the thinking. |
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